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RMCMC 2010 – One Day Away

March 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, Sports, Virtue

logo final mens conference 11-11-09The 2010 Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference is only one day away.  Saturday, March 20, 2010 proves to be an epic event and I encourage any local (Colorado) men to make it a priority.  There are plenty of seats available and you can pay at the door.  The event takes place at the Pikes Peak Center in downtown Colorado Springs… merely an hour’s drive from Denver from the north or Pueblo from the south.  Here’s why an event like this is important.

  1. As men, we thrive off brotherhood.  Brotherhood may be considered, simply, when men spend time together, preferably doing manly things.  Imagine what boys growing up together do – then make it relevant to adulthood and things that actually matter… that’s what this conference (and hopefully all men’s conferences around the country) are about.  Together, as men of faith, we encourage one another to grow in holiness, Sacramental behavior, daily prayer, and hopefully, to be better men.
  2. Men need encouragement.  Think of this like an over-sized team huddle, when your team is in a vital spot and really needs to score a touchdown, or that gigantic defensive stop to win the game.  The quarterback or defensive leader should be trying to pump his team up so they pull off the incredible play.  The encouragement from the speakers, vendors, priests and bishops and the other men in attendance can be just the thing that most of us need to get our act together and win in the game of life.
  3. Men need to continue to grow in holiness.  No matter where a man is in his faith journey, he can be a better man.  Events like a men’s conference show us the path to holiness, especially if we’re open to what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives.

I encourage all of us to think about at least one man that we know that needs an invitation to something like this, and then make the invitation.  If you’re a man who’s attending a men’s conference, just extend the invitation.  If you’re a woman who knows of a man who needs to attend an event like this, it would be best to have another man extend the invitation at your request.  An invitation isn’t pressure to go, it’s a simple way of showing encouragement and extending a friendly hand.  Don’t be weak in your invitation and don’t be a power-monger either.  Be genuine and see what happens… it can’t hurt to ask.  Maybe you don’t live in Colorado and can’t get to the Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference, that’s okay.  There’s an event like this somewhere near you, and if there isn’t, I want to know!  (I’ll work to get something there!)  A men’s conference may be the thing that encourages a man to change his life for Christ.

To see more info, click HERE to go to the conference website.

Man up!

It’s Not About Beer

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

st-patricks-beerFor most people, the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the name of St. Patrick or St. Patrick’s Day is beer and/or partying.  St. Patrick’s Day is about more than beer.

St. Patrick was an incredible man… a TrueMan.  Most of what he did in life, including joining the priesthood, being ordained a bishop and working to free the Irish from Druidism, came after several hard years of slavery in then pagan Ireland.

To read more on his life, click HERE.

St. PatrickSo today, as you celebrate, remember that just because other guys are being foolish and drinking themselves stupid, you don’t have to.  Don’t fall into that trap.  Embracing St. Patrick and what he did is wonderful, for he’s a great model of TrueManhood.

Man up!

Unnerving Situations in D.C. and All Over

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

white-houseI’m overwhelmed by what’s taking place in our country.  The decision by our nation to elect Barack Hussein Obama as president is proving disastrous.  What’s a TrueMan to do about all of the mess being made in Washington?  I’m at a loss.

Anti-American ObamaI would really appreciate your comments and questions on this post because I think that a healthy dialogue among men who see what’s happening (whether it be with the health(death)care bills, socialist ideals, deceitful politicians hiding behind the title “Catholic” or other) would be good.  It would help me, I know that for certain.  But what’s a TrueMan to do when he sees his government wielding unhealthy amounts of power and influence?  [It’s not new, but it’s worse than it’s ever been – my humble opinion.]  Do we grab our guns and start a revolt?  Do we stand by and watch socialist politicians ruin America?  Do we do something else? I don’t know that there’s any good answers right now.  Obviously, one thing we should be doing is praying for the conversion of Obama’s soul, as well as his elected officials, we should be praying for the end to abortion and we should be praying for a quick and just fix to government run healthcare.

Please comment.

Man up!

A Man, His Wife, a Snowmobile and Wide-open Spaces

March 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

100_0056I’m a lucky man.  I had the opportunity to get away this weekend with my wife.  We got away for a half day on Friday, stayed overnight and had a whole day together on Saturday.  With children, full-time jobs, a full-time ministry and life, we rarely get a full weekend together.  A big thanks goes out to my brother, a friend of ours and to my in-laws for their help in watching the kids while we were gone.

The overnight date was perfect, just what we needed.  A time with my best friend, a time of relaxation and rejuvenation, a time for some excitement and adventure.  On Friday, we traveled to a small mountain town about 2.5 hrs away.  When we arrived in town, the shop was ready for us.  We signed in, grabbed a helmet for each of us, then traveled about 3 miles outside of town to start our back country snowmobile trip.  We jumped on a touring sled and hit the trail.  We couldn’t have asked for a better day – the sky was blue, the sun was out, the snow was pristine.  It’s days like that when you really enjoy God’s creation… it was as if that day, God had created it all for us specifically.  We toured around for a few hours, enjoying the scenery, the cool wind and each other’s company.  The trip was incredible.

That night, we relaxed in a meager hotel room, enjoying each other’s company, the fact that we didn’t have to put any children to bed and the realization that there was no work in sight!  The next morning, we got up early to hit the slopes, enjoying a day of skiing at a favorite ski resort.  Again, God blessed us with an incredible day of blue skies, warm temps and time together.Dave Skiing

What’s my point in telling you all about my wonderful overnight weekend getaway?  My point is simple: take time to rejuvenate yourself.  Find something – it doesn’t have to be snowmobiling and skiing – but find something that gives you life and make time for it in your life.  As a man who is a glutton for a busy life, I can attest to the facts of life and what a busy, stress-filled life can do to a man.  If you don’t have an outlet for your stress, your worries and your cares, they’ll catch up with you.  If you don’t have a source of energy to fill you up, you’ll continually give of yourself until you run dry.  For me, it was 1. time with my wife, alone without our children 2. time away from my computer, work and projects and 3. an opportunity to do an activity (2, in this case) that was life-giving!  After this weekend, I’m ready to tackle my life and everything that life throws my way.

Whatever it is that you need in your life, be it a stress-reliever, a life-giving “fill up” or an outlet of any kind, make special time to make it happen.  It will do you, and the others you are entrusted with, a great deal of good.

Man up!

Play Through the Whistle

March 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

Keep LentWe’re into the second half of Lent, and I think some encouragement would do us all some good.  In 18 days (plus Sundays – these are feast days in the liturgical calendar and do not “count” towards days of fasting) Christ’s passion, death and resurrection will be remembered.  Whatever you decided to “give up” or add for Lent this year should bring you closer to this mystery of our faith.  It should unite your knowledge of what Jesus went through for you and me with the physical sacrifice in which you make for Lent, thus making Lent more meaningful and more purposeful.

Lent isn’t about impressing anybody with what we give up or with what Lenten devotions we increase, it’s about personal conversion – a turning away from sin and a turning towards God.  I’m struggling this Lent, anybody else?  There’s a lot on my plate and my Lenten devotions have gone by the wayside multiple times.  I try to remind myself that through perseverance we obtain holiness.  I really need to “get back on the wagon”, so to speak, and continue persevering through my laziness and indifference.  I encourage you, if you’ve let your Lenten sacrifices ride, to take the time and energy to decide if you really need(ed) the penance or not.  If so, keep doing it.  If not, find something else, more important for you.  Have a great rest of Lent.

“Turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel.”

Man up!

Abortion Funding Showdown

March 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

I recently received this letter from Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson.  Brother Anderson is the head of the Knights of Columbus based out of New Haven, CT.  We have a chance to do something, to stand up for a social (in)justice and to push the truth.  If this bill goes through, it will be the most devastating assault on pro-life since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Here is what Brother Anderson wrote last week:

Carl AndersonThe debate on health care legislation has now reached its final and most critical stage, with final votes expected in Congress within the next two weeks.  The legislation is being fast-tracked through Congress using a rare parliamentary maneuver known as “reconciliation.”  This procedure will push the bill through Congress over the objections of a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives that wants to remove abortion funding from the bill.

Very soon the House will be asked vote on a Senate bill containing provisions that would overturn the thirty-year federal policy against tax-dollar funding of abortion. If the Senate bill is approved by the House, it goes immediately to the President’s desk and will be enacted into law. A second “reconciliation” bill will then be voted on by both houses to make changes to the new law. These changes will not amend the abortion mandates enacted through the Senate bill.

The American Catholic bishops oppose the Senate bill, calling it “deficient” because it contains multiple pro-abortion provisions and federal subsidies for abortion. It allows for federal dollars to flow to abortion providers in community health centers; it allows for federal subsidies for overall health plans that cover abortion. Lastly, it provides no conscience protection for those who refuse to participate in abortion.  A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including brother Knight Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), is working to ensure that health care legislation contains language that would ban abortion funding. They need the support of brother Knights from across the United States.

I urge you to encourage every Knight in your state to contact their representatives in Congress. Ask them to go to the Knights of Columbus homepage at for instructions on contacting Congress.  Your immediate action is critical. If the Senate bill becomes law, it will be the largest expansion of abortion in our country since Roe v. Wade.

Carl A. Anderson

Supreme Knight

RMCMC 2010 – Get There!

March 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

March 10, 2010, Colorado Springs, CO –

logo final mens conference 11-11-09The Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference (RMCMC), taking place Saturday March 20, 2010 and hosted this year at the Pikes Peak Center in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the second year for the event.  Last year’s conference saw 750 men in attendance, with hopes for many more this year.  The lineup of speakers, including three bishops from Colorado, should do the trick in drawing a great crowd.  Speakers include Bishop Michael Sheridan (host bishop, Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO), Archbishop Charles Chaput (Archdiocese of Denver, CO) and Bishop Fernando Isern (Diocese of Pueblo, CO) as well as Steve Bollman, Bill and Billy Moyer, Dr. Tim Gray (President and my graduate studies professor at the Augustine Institute), Curtis Martin (President of FOCUS, and my former boss), Dennis Murphy and the renown bio-ethicist, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk.  The event will be emcee’d by Sean Dalton (a dear friend of mine) and music will be performed throughout the event by Shaun Garrison.

I highly encourage any men within driving distance (and those who can afford a plane ticket) to attend this event.  Cost of the conference is $45, including lunch.  Vendors (including myself for TrueManhood Men’s Ministry) will be present as well.  Get There!

For more info or to register, visit the conference website by clicking HERE.

Man up!

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