Saturday, February 01, 2025

The ‘Other’ Option

May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

The video below is a parody done by some guys from an evangelical Protestant church.  It appears that I’m poking fun at them, but inmegachurch fact, they’re poking fun at themselves.  The video is really funny, especially to someone like myself who spent several years attending and ‘worshiping’ in this sort of setting.  For those who haven’t experienced a service like this, I recommend you stick to the Mass.

What’s the difference?  Can’t we all celebrate and worship the way we feel is best for us?  NO!!!  Christ instituted the Church and the rituals, celebrations and Sacraments the way He wanted them to be!  When we deviate from what Christ intended, we lose total focus and begin living relativistic Christianity.  Bad news.  Instead, stay true to what Christ instituted.  Want to know what He intended?  Read the Gospels!  But don’t just read the Gospels, because unless you speak/write/read Greek and have a 1st Century Hebrew worldview, you’re going to miss too much.  Get other resources (such as commentaries, for instance) that explain what’s happening in the Gospels.  If you have questions, please email us for help.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

TrueMan up!

Where are the Men? Part 2

May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

In the last post, I mentioned how while attending a Saturday evening Vigil Mass at a local parish, I noticed that only 4 of 31 servant-leadership roles were filled by men.  Of those 4 positions of service, 1  was a young boy altar server, 2 were Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and 1 was in the happy happy clap clap band.  The problem is not the women, the problem is the men.  Here’s why…

binocularsWhen men are absent from servant-leadership (in anything, not just at Mass) the ‘thing’ does not function properly.  When a father is absent from his family, when a husband is absent from his wife, when a priest is absent from his parish, when a coach is absent from his team, when a boss is absent from his employees, when a commander is absent from his troops… the family, marriage, parish, team, company and unit do not function correctly.  At Mass, specifically, we must correct the dysfunctions because they are widespread and have a large scope of influence.  The way to correct the dysfunction is to encourage and challenge men to act in the way in which God created them to be.  To grasp this picture, let’s look at the creation account in the Book of Genesis.

God created Adam.  From Adam’s side, He created Eve.  Adam was commanded by God to “shamar” the garden.  Shamar is Hebrew for cultivate, protect, care for, etc.  It was Adam’s job to cultivate the land, protect the garden, his wife and all of creation, but from the onset, Adam dropped the ball.  When the serpent convinced Eve to eat of the fruit, where was Adam?  Gone in another place in the garden?  No.  Was he over at some buddy’s house drinking a cold one, watching the big game?  No.  He was right beside her!  [After all, she turned and handed him the fruit that she had just eaten from.]  He was neglecting to protect the garden and his wife and failed to do what God created him to do.  The Fall = Adam’s fault!  When this sort of behavior (when men fail to cultivate, protect and care for) continues to prevail, the Church suffers greatly.

The choices Adam made are, in some way, the same decisions that many Catholic men today are making.  Instead of cultivating the Church, protecting the Church and caring for the Church, men sit back and allow women to ‘do’.  If you look at parishes and/or dioceses that are incredibly strong, that have great priests, that have large properly-functioning families and they have large numbers of seminarians, you’ll see that it is almost undoubtedly because men are involved as leaders!

The problem with men sitting back and allowing women (who are willing and ready to step in) to fill the gap is that the general population of men either don’t attend Mass or simply lose interest, although their backside is filling a spot in the pew.  This sort of behavior teaches children that men don’t need faith and that faith is a ‘woman’s thing’.  Many men believe that faith, religion, prayer, devotion, etc. is feminine and actually, anti-masculine.  They couldn’t be further from the truth.  As I have stated many times before, being manly means that a man is virtuous.  Faith, Hope and Love, the Theological Virtues, are the real signs of manliness.  In an upcoming post, I will continue with the thought of what happens when men and women don’t fulfill their roles and how it affects the Church as a whole, titled “The Church: By Women, For Women.”

TrueMan up!

Where Are The Men?

May 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

Tonight, we went to Mass at a local parish we had never been to.  I’ve been wanting to go to a Mass there because I know several people who are parishioners at the parish who really like it.  After tonight, I’m confused as to why.  Besides the typical architectural disaster that this building was, the misplacement of the tabernacle and the lack of Catholic art (good statues, stained glass, etc.), the sense of what was about to happen was not Mass… it wasn’t sacred… it wasn’t important… it was just a thing.  That’s what I got when I first walked in.

DR Sanctuary

As Mass started, I was highly disappointed in what was taking place… a jazz concert masked by the appearance of a worship service.  Between the really obnoxious singers (all mic’d up individually, ouch!) and the electronic drum set, I couldn’t figure out what was happening… was it about the music group? or about the Mass?  In my mind, the music was winning, although it didn’t have much of a following in the congregation.  As Mass continued, I realized what the problem was.  It was shouting at me loud and clear…

There were virtually NO MEN in servant-leadership roles!  The vast majority of the servant-leaders were women, which has almost nothing to do with the women, and everything to do with the men.  When men don’t actively serve in parish life, specifically in the Mass, a parish is going to suffer.  Here’s the scenario at this parish; these numbers are typical for most parishes around the country.

  • When we walked in, three women greeted us, no men were to be found. 0-3.
  • There were 3 altar servers, 2 were young girls.  1-5.
  • In the rockin’ jazz/pop/r&b, happy happy clap clap band there was 1 man, 7 women.  2-12.
  • There were 4 ushers… all women!  2-16.  (Men weren’t even ushering, ahhh!!!)
  • Out of the excessive 9 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, 2 were men.  4-23.
  • The ‘commentator’, lectors and cantor were all women.  4-27.
  • Oh yeah, the priest was a man.  5-27.

So, out of 32 servant-leadership positions, (31 really, when you remove the priest from the list) only 4 were filled by men!  And one of those 4 was a 12 year-old boy altar server!  This is despicable.  Again, this has nothing to do with the women, and everything to do with the men!  I’ll explain myself in more detail, in the next post… you’ve got to come back!

TrueMan up!

GE Knows What’s Really Going On

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

4D ultrasoundAlthough the technology of a 4-Dimensional Ultrasound isn’t brand new, it’s relatively cutting-edge.  I’ve seen a 4D ultrasound of my own children, it’s incredible.  You can see facial features and expressions, you can make out every movement  and can see the chest expanding as the lungs take in oxygen from the mother.  In the discussion of embryo, zygote, fetus, blob, tissue mass, etc. this technology should end the discussion as to what’s in a woman’s womb.  It’s a human being.

It’s plain to see that even a secular company like General Electric knows that a baby inside its mother’s womb is a living, breathing, moving, (did I mention living?) human being… and still, the laws in America allow for the murder of that child.  It’s ridiculous to think that we have technology like this (as if common sense wasn’t enough) but still allow someone the ‘choice’ to murder their own child.  Absolutely ridiculous.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

Men, sometimes abortion is portrayed as a woman’s-only issue.  Not true.  As always, we are called to provide and protect, which must start with the defense of the defenseless.  The unborn need men to step up and fight for their rights, their well-being and their life.  If you need ideas of how you can help, please email us directly at

TrueMan up!

The Female Version of Cultural Manliness

May 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, For Women

Have you seen the trailer for the upcoming [atrocity] “Sex and the City 2”?  I’ve unfortunately seen the trailer 3 or 4 times now andSATC2have been more and more disgusted by it every time.  I can proudly say that I haven’t seen the first movie (although I know it did really well at the box office) and I never intend to watch it.  The trailer, as well as the name of the movie/show, tells me plenty.  What it tells me is that the characters in the movie are out for, what I’m going to refer to as, “Cultural Femininity”.  For those who may not know, I use a term coined “Cultural Manliness” to describe the world’s view of manliness… that the more power, money, sex and stuff a male has, the more manly he is.  On all levels, I tear this idea down, showing that it is riddled with emptiness, loneliness, despair and sorrow.  The same goes for “Cultural Femininity”.

The trailer depicts the characters in the movie gallivanting around the world, searching for meaningless sex, pleasure and anything else that seems ‘fun’.  The trailer attempts to glorify promiscuity, drunkenness, infidelity, homosexuality and the glamor and allure of money.  A tag line used in the trailer says “Discover how much fun forbidden can be.”  The trailer tells me that many people (women and men) will have their view of marriage ‘shaken up’ a bit… which is most definitely not needed in our culture.  The four women in the movie are female versions of “cultural manliness”.  In the same way that “cultural manliness” ends in emptiness, loneliness, despair and sorrow, so too does “cultural femininity.”

Movies like this make this behavior seem ‘normal’, as if ‘everyone is doing it’, and in fact, many people live like this.  Movies like this degrade women, encourage all the poor behavior mentioned above and highly encourage men to be “culturally manly”.  It really is a shame.

TrueMan up!

“Into the Wild” Weekend Retreat with The King’s Men

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

TKM - Banner Ad

My friends Mark Houck and Damian Wargo over at The King’s Men put on an awesome (and manly!) weekend retreat in the wilderness of eastern Pennsylvania called “Into the Wild”.  I highly suggest that if you’re in the area, or if you can make it to eastern PA for one of these upcoming weekends, that you make this weekend happen.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

TKM - Website adRugged Outdoor Men’s Retreat!
The King’s Men are sponsoring a retreat for men called “Into the  Wild” at French Creek State Park on June 10-13th.  This experiential weekend features fishing, orienteering, outdoor cooking, archery, and faith presented in a masculine  modality.  No experience is necessary and space is limited.  “Into the Wild” is excellent for single or married men as well as fathers and sons.  More information at or call Damian Wargo at  215-906-8878.  Financial aid is available.

TrueMan up!

Plain and Simple

May 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

Real Catholic TV.comOne of my favorite websites to follow is  Michael Voris does an incredible job of saying things as they are, in plain and simple language.  He is unafraid of conflict, disagreement and nay-sayers.  Michael stands for the Truth.  May blessings and grace abound for him.

I wanted to post today’s video because I believe exactly what Michael has to say.  He is a strong witness for the faith.  A TrueMan, unafraid to speak the truth and stand up for it.

I recommend you check out other videos from Michael, there are lots to choose from.  For today’s video, click HERE.

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