Step Back and Watch
I’ve noticed lately that if I step back from a situation and watch other’s behavior, I learn a lot. Unfortunately, I learn a lot about what not to do. I notice behavior that is often selfish, self-centered, arrogant, dominating, argumentative, void of purpose and distracting. In watching others and their behavior, I see a lot of my “former” self in those behavioral characteristics. It’s a blessing to have grown to be where I am now. I’m talking about those situations when you are in a group setting and you are planning out an event, for example, and the members of the group aren’t willing to compromise, they become angry, defensive and standoffish. Nothing ends up accomplished, except that everyone gave their opinion about each and every piece of tasking, the group went round-and-round about the issues and nothing was decided on.
What I recommend here is to simply stop talking and listen. Watch what others are doing; learn from them. Being self-centered doesn’t help anything. It most certainly does not allow constructive ideas to take place within the group. Be wise. Don’t be overbearing or dictatorial, it doesn’t work… it most certainly is not manly and it creates descent among the group.
This brings up a topic that I need to post about… Leadership. I’ll be posting on leadership soon.
Man up!