“All Gave Some, Some Gave All”

November 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Military

SomeGaveAll thumbCheck this video out.  It’s worth the 4 minutes, especially on a day when we should be remembering those who have served our country for our freedom and even more so, when we should be remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom.  Don’t take your freedom for granted.  Don’t take our veterans for granted.  If you see a soldier, either active duty or veteran, go up to them, look them in the eyes and thank them.  Teach your children to do the same.


One Response to ““All Gave Some, Some Gave All””
  1. Jonathan Vall says:

    My definition of a veteran: Anyone who at any point in their life has made out a check payable to the United States of America for any amount up to and including their life.

    Awesome video, Dave. Thanks!