Saturday, February 22, 2025

“Blood Money” – The Evils of Abortion

October 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, For Women, pornography, Virtue

Blood Money Film thumbI’ve posted about “Blood Money” before.  “Blood Money” is a documentary film exploiting and exposing Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry.  This film is powerful and I highly encourage everyone to watch it.  The trailer is below and hopefully will help encourage you to not only watch the film, but also to do something about ending abortion.  I watched the film tonight with my wife and about one hundred other people from the local area.  The film is suitable for children of an appropriate age – the film does not use gruesome or graphic photos of aborted babies, but does graphically speak about abortions and the reality of what happens behind the murder-mill doors.

The pro-life fight only has two sides: one side FOR LIFE, the other side AGAINST LIFE.  There is no in-between.  Where do you stand on this issue?  “For I wish that you were either hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:15b-16.)

Men – abortion is not a “women-only” issue, it is a real issue for everyone to get involved with.  We as leaders must stand up for the injustice that abortion does to women and without question, against the unborn child (a human being) that is living inside its mother’s womb.

Watch the trailer, if you can’t view it, click HERE.

TrueMan up!

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