Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Chivalry Doesn't Make an Appearance on V-Day Night

February 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I’m out on the east coast with family.  We had no “romantic” plans for today because we’re with family.  Our Valentine’s Day included lots of kids, eating, driving from points A to B to C and back to A.  Along the way, we stopped outside a nice Italian restaurant (remaining unnamed) to pick up my sister-in-law’s “lost” cell phone from the night before.  As we waited for 20 minutes outside this restaurant, I noticed a horrible trend taking place before my eyes.  Couple after couple walked up to the restaurant doors, and only on a rare occasion, did the man open the door for his date/girlfriend/spouse.  I also saw a number of them get into their vehicles, and only on one occasion did I see the man escort his significant other to their door and help them in.  The worst was when the door actually slammed into a girl’s face because she wasn’t watching and because her date simply walked in the door and didn’t extend a hand to hold it open for her.  I was appalled.  This girl not only had a glass door for an appetizer, she went in and spent the rest of the night out with this loser!  He was so self-consumed.  I quickly turned around and told my oldest daughter, “If a man ever does that, and walks through a door before you, you turn right around and leave him in your dust.” 

I think that women have the right to expect chivalry.  I believe that a woman should never settle for less than a genuine gentleman.  Don’t find yourself asking a woman to lower her standards so that you can be a slob.  If a man can’t do something as simple as holding a door open, then he’ll never be able to do the big things in life.  Require the most out of yourself and always live out chivalry, you never know who’s watching you.

Man up!


2 Responses to “Chivalry Doesn't Make an Appearance on V-Day Night”
  1. Chelsea says:

    haha best post ever…

  2. Sam says:

    It is so easy to do…it takes no effort at all to open the door.