Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Examples Are All Around

September 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

There are examples of what not to do all around us.  The idea of cultural manliness (this ideology that the more money, power, sex and stuff I have, the more manly I’ll be) is completely absurd.  This idea is rampant, yet many times, we’re so desensitized to its ugly face, that we hardly even notice it.  I noticed it today…  I snagged this post from Facebook today.  It’s quite simple, and best explained directly from the picture.  Please note, my red circular marks direct your attention to the parts that are most important, and quite honestly, most appalling.

I’m not sure if this guy just wants to fit in or what, but his comment is ridiculous and the words written in the description are horrible too.  See for yourself.

Cultural Manliness Example

Man up!


2 Responses to “Examples Are All Around”
  1. hello please expound why you think those descriptions are horrible. i agree that they are but just like pornography and many other things, these desires are corrupt (to put in generally) ways of meeting genuine needs. so please expound to enlighten us readers more.

  2. TrueManhood says:

    Thanks for asking for clarification. I’m going to post my response for everyone to read. Thanks, Dave