Monday, March 24, 2025

“I was Perfectly Spotless, I was Perfectly Clean”

sexual healing5 minute video on one young man’s take on sexual purity.

He shares his life, before sexual purity and now during it.  He shows that it’s a journey, and when faced with the hard decisions, a man has to know where he stands.  And for many reasons, he is preaching abstinence.  He mentions pleasure, let me tell you, it’s more pleasurable to give yourself selflessly to your wife than to use and abuse a girl and yourself.

The message is true, there is healing from past sexual sins.  And his comments about men being brought up by society, and what our times goes to and how we treat women… all on point.

Thanks to Jonathan for sharing this link.

TrueMan up!


One Response to ““I was Perfectly Spotless, I was Perfectly Clean””
  1. Josh Cullen says:

    I will definitely be sharing this with the men I work with! Thx Dave!!!