Tuesday, March 18, 2025

iPod, iPad, iPhone (87G) and iGov’t

July 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, Just For Laughs

$14 trillion debtI haven’t made any comments about our government and the debt crisis yet because I believe there are plenty of people who know the right answer and none of them work or are associated with anything that happens in or around Washington.  The entire situation is beyond frustrating to the American people, especially to those of us who are hard-working, smart-spending, family-oriented, small-government-oriented, red-white-and-blue-proud, military-supporting, separation-of-church-and-state-doesn’t-mean-what-everyone-thinks-it-means, kinda people!!!

apple thumbBut get this… I check Facebook today and see lots of people posting about how Apple has more cash on hand than our government!  How crazy is this?!?!  I mean seriously!  These people sell gadgets… the government is supposed to be in charge of everything!  Gadgets versus government and gadgets is winning?!  I’m actually not as surprised as you might think.  And honestly, I think the whole thing is laughable.

I don’t own any Apple products.  I’m completely fine with that.  (Did you like my iPhone 87G joke in the title?)   The last time I used an Apple computer for any Obama blabbing on newslength of time was playing Oregon Trail on one when I was a kid in grade school.  I can’t stand them, mostly because I don’t know how to use them.  I’ve tinkered around with a few Apple products before, but I just don’t get the hype.   Apparently, I am the only one because they’ve got more money than the US government, which means that most of you reading this probably own all sorts of products from this booming company.  Mr. Obama… maybe you should step down and let Mr. Jobs do yours for you.

TrueMan up!


One Response to “iPod, iPad, iPhone (87G) and iGov’t”
  1. olivia stear says:

    Love your site!!! This article was hilarious!~ Olivia DuBois Stear!