Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Just Because He Can

May 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I took my wife out for dessert on Mother’s Day.  While talking with her, I noticed (through a window) a male shuffling around his Hummer H2.  He entered the vehicle and proceeded to pull forward.  Sounds pretty normal, right?  Well, in front of his vehicle was not open pavemen, but a grassy curbed area of the parking lot, for which he had complete disregard.  I noticed him doing this, quickly told Catherine to turn around and look and was genuinely frustrated at what I just witnessed.  She said, “There’s tomorrow’s post.”

I wanted to write about how this wanna-be alpha male acted this way just because he can.  He knows that he most likely won’t be confronted.  He knows that his truck is going to have no problem driving over a wimpy 8 inch sloped curb.  In my head, I’m thinking to myself that this guy, if confronted about his actions, would say something like “But I drive a H2, and I can drive over anything I want to.”  He probably thinks that “because he can”, he should.

First off, he’s selfish.  He doesn’t think about anyone but himself.  Secondly, he has total disregard and zero respect for others and their property.  He didn’t care that the curb may have cracked, or that the grass might have been destroyed or any other possibility (regardless of how far-reaching they might be).  He was selfish, thinking only about himself and his H2.  Thirdly, he wasn’t interested in the example he was setting.  He very well might have had children in the vehicle with him and because of his selfishness, the children now believe that it’s acceptable to act this way.  Fourthly, he probably never contemplates the consequences of his actions, but believes that if he wants to do something, he should.  What’s the problem with a guy like this, besides his lack of respect for others?  He wants people to spoon feed him things, to come behind him and clean up after him and he expects that he’ll never be responsible for anything, because he’s a “dude”. 

I understand the desire to drive over stuff in a 4×4, I do it regularly… but not private property.  I thoroughly enjoy off-roading in my Avalanche… but I do it respectfully.  That’s not the point.  My point is that being selfish is not manly.  My point is that total disregard for others and their property is not manly.  My point is that being a societal leach is detrimental to others.  Be a TrueMan, respect others, be accountable to yourself for what you do, and know that others are watching you.

Man up!


One Response to “Just Because He Can”
  1. hecan says:

    I can completely identify with how you were feeling seeing that happen. Its sometimes funny how “men” compensate for their shortcomings with their “toys” and if they have a big one they abuse it. That’s why they are “men”.
