Not-a-Catholic (Dame) University

April 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Although I have some cousins that went to Notre Dame and frequently watch Irish football on NBC, I don’t have any direct ties to the school.  I’ve been seeing plenty of traffic in emails, on Facebook and through the news about ND’s choice to have Obama visit and present the commencement speech in May.  Lots of stink has been made about ND being a “Catholic” institution and how appalled people are at their decision(s).  I heard it best from a fellow Catholic on Facebook: “Why is everyone getting upset now, after years of anti-Catholic behavior at Notre Dame?  They haven’t been Catholic for a long time.”  Just putting the title “Catholic” on something doesn’t make it, or any individual, actually Catholic.  Being Catholic means that you profess, uphold and defend the True Teachings of the Church.  [Ironically, their mascot appears to be “fighting”, but they haven’t fought to uphold Catholicism for years.  I feel bad for actual Catholics that go there that have to deal with this.]

I came across this letter that backs me up on this… Thanks Bishop…

Reverend and dear Father Jenkins,

Permit me to add my name as well to the long list of Bishops of the Catholic Church who are utterly appalled at your dedication to immorality and wrong-doing represented by your support for the obscenity called “The Vagina Monologues” and your absolute indifference to the murderous abortion program and beliefs of this President of the United States.

The fact that you have some sort of past connection with the State of Nebraska makes it all the more painful that the Catholic people here have to see your betrayal of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

I can assure you of my prayers for your conversion, and for the conversion of your formerly Catholic University. I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus,

The Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz
Bishop of Lincoln

Man up!


One Response to “Not-a-Catholic (Dame) University”
  1. David says:

    Amen, brother. It’s not just this college, it’s many of the “Catholic” colleges. If I had to send a kid to a Catholic college, I would be watching the institution’s actions over a fairly long period of time to determine their adherence to the faith. I’d do the same for a Catholic high school. If I wasn’t willing to investigate, I’d be sending my kid to a secular college, and making sure they were catechised at home. God bless you! Great blog!