Thursday, March 13, 2025

Porn in 3D – They Won’t Stop the Barrage

July 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

3d-glasses thumbThis is a bit of ‘old news’, but I just heard about it… The June 2010 issue of Playboy contained a 3D picture of the centerfold, equipped with special 3D glasses.  Yet another attack by the porn industry to reel men in to the seductive, addictive and sinful pleasures of the flesh.  The porn industry has dramatically shifted away from magazines to online content and this is Hef’s way of trying to get more action out of his beloved magazine.  When it comes right down to it, it’s about money for the porn industry, a $98 (plus) Billion-dollar yearly industry.

Another attack against women.  Another attack against men.  Another attack on marriages.  Another attack against the sanctity of sex.  The attacks won’t stop, unless we do something about it.

I speculate that part of the reason why Playboy came out with the magazine was (besides money) 3D Glassesthe need for porn-addicts to ‘get another fix’.  Similar to drug addiction, porn addiction desires a ‘bigger-and-badder’ high.  That’s why men who maybe started out using softcore porn have moved on to harder images, stories, movies, etc. and into more perverse content.

TrueMan up!



2 Responses to “Porn in 3D – They Won’t Stop the Barrage”
  1. M says:

    The first step is to stop using it yourself. (Try Covenant Eyes)

  2. This porn in 3D is ridiculous! It only shows how perverted the mind of the producer is. Well it’s a nature for a human to be craving for something more thrilling or worse that is.