Still Missing the Way to Be a TrueMan
I would like you to all take a look at this video that a friend shared with me. It’s been out there for a few years but I think it is still very relevant. Although Mr Katz is speaking strongly for a renewal of masculinity, I believe that he’s still missing the way for a man to be a TrueMan. As is frequently true, he needs to not only encourage men to not be violent, but to live out virtue. He’s missing the plug for the God-shaped hole in every man’s heart. Although I applaud him for what he’s doing and I encourage other men to join us in the fight for masculinity, I want to urge all of you to get a clear understanding of what manliness is and how to tell someone else about it. TrueManhood is living a virtuous life for Christ. Plain and simple. Not easy, but plain and simple. Here’s the video, please scroll down to the bottom to find the comment box or shoot us an email with your thoughts.
Mr. Katz did a good job on explaining the link between violence and today’s “Manliness”, but your absolutely right Dave, we cannot begin to fix things without the help of our Creator. Mr. Katz presentation explained a lot, but at the end there really was not much of a solution…it kind of just finished off with “we have to work together”. To fill in the blank here: VIRTUE. As you say, it is plain and simple. Not easy, but plain and simple!
How do you get rid of a bad habit? By replacing it with a good one!