Victims of Addiction
November 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Blog, Faith, pornography, Virtue
During the month of November, one of Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions is for victims of addiction, both those who are addicted, as well as those effected by the addiction of someone else. It’s important for us to pray for one another, whether we’ve had or have an addiction or not. For those who are addicted to pornography,
I want to say to you that there is hope. There is freedom outside of pornography abuse. There are ways to find help and resources out there for you. If you would like more info, or specific help, or possibly to be referred to a psychotherapist who specializes in pornography addiction, please email us at and we can get you in touch with the correct resource.
Take a few minutes to watch this video. Fr. Kubicki reflects on PBXVI’s prayer intention for November. Please watch it the whole way through, as there is helpful information about addictions towards the second half. All the best.
TrueMan up!
Opening Day 2010
Today marks the start of the 2010 Major League Baseball season. Best of luck to all the teams out there, especially to my Pirates, who need lots of help! There’s something about heading out to the ballpark on a summer day, at least for those of us who like baseball. If you aren’t a baseball fan, that’s fine… this post isn’t about baseball, per se. Here at TrueManhood, we wanted to do a “compare and contrast” between baseball and manliness.
- Baseball is a game. Manliness isn’t.
- Baseball is played during the summer. Manliness is always.
- Baseball players can “mess up” 7 out of 10 times at bat over their entire career and be considered a Hall of Famer. Manliness can’t sustain those numbers.
- Baseball is about trying to win most of the time. Manliness strives to “win” all the time. (“Win” here means to be a TrueMan.)
- Baseball allows men to throw tantrums, kick dirt, scream, cuss, chew and throw drink coolers. Manliness never stands for that sort of behavior.
We could continue on for hours with this sort of thing. I’ve got nothing against baseball, I enjoy baseball, especially when I get to play the game. I grew up playing from an early age into my adult life, I take my family to the ballpark regularly and I really enjoy the playoff season. What we need to be careful about, and this goes for everything in life (other sports, the Hollywood mentality, the online community, etc.) is to take baseball in using moderation. Manliness, however, we should take in with excess! (Remember, manliness means living a virtuous life!)
Man up!
RMCMC 2010 – Get There!
March 10, 2010, Colorado Springs, CO –
The Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference (RMCMC), taking place Saturday March 20, 2010 and hosted this year at the Pikes Peak Center in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the second year for the event. Last year’s conference saw 750 men in attendance, with hopes for many more this year. The lineup of speakers, including three bishops from Colorado, should do the trick in drawing a great crowd. Speakers include Bishop Michael Sheridan (host bishop, Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO), Archbishop Charles Chaput (Archdiocese of Denver, CO) and Bishop Fernando Isern (Diocese of Pueblo, CO) as well as Steve Bollman, Bill and Billy Moyer, Dr. Tim Gray (President and my graduate studies professor at the Augustine Institute), Curtis Martin (President of FOCUS, and my former boss), Dennis Murphy and the renown bio-ethicist, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk. The event will be emcee’d by Sean Dalton (a dear friend of mine) and music will be performed throughout the event by Shaun Garrison.
I highly encourage any men within driving distance (and those who can afford a plane ticket) to attend this event. Cost of the conference is $45, including lunch. Vendors (including myself for TrueManhood Men’s Ministry) will be present as well. Get There!
For more info or to register, visit the conference website by clicking HERE.
Man up!
Fighting for Manliness Video
February 14, 2010 by admin
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, Virtue
I finally got some of the video edited from my talk at the 2010 FOCUS National Conference in Orlando, FL on New Year’s Eve 2009. The talk was titled “Fighting for Manliness” for the Men’s Impact Sessions. The crowd for the two sessions totaled around 1,500 college men.
The video below is only part 1 of the 50 minute video.
In this talk, I highlighted some major points, including: What is Manliness?, Manly Leadership, Living Virtue, Fighting the Giant of Pornography and more.
If your content is removed by your server, click HERE to view the video on YouTube.