Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Spiritual Help for our Heroes – Frontline Faith Project

July 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

Frontline Faith

Recently, I came across an awesome apostolate called Frontline Faith.  Visit them HERE.  In short, what they do is supply our service men and women, serving in deployed locations, with Catholic content on mp3 players.

“The FRONTLINE FAITH™ Project delivers MP3 players preloaded with spiritual content, especially as it pertains to military service, to members of our armed forces currently deployed or returning from deployment, with special emphasis on injured troops and troops stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.”

Frontline_Faith_banner_RRWhat will you do for the soul of one soldier?  Please support Frontline Faith and their work by donating $24 (or more).  To donate, click HERE.  It takes people with vision to serve those in need.  Our deployed soldiers, as well as those who have been or are going to be deployed, need our prayers, support and acts of kindness.  They sacrifice their well-being, their comfort, their families, their children, their spouse and sometimes their lives so that we can be free.  To our service men and women of all of the branches of the military, thank you!

Home of the free, because of the brave.

Cheri, Sheila and the rest of the team at Frontline Faith… keep up the great work!

TrueMan up!

Veteran’s Day 2009 – Thank a Vet Today

November 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Veteran’s Day 2009 – Thank a vet today. It’s the least we can all do. I plan on making some phone calls and continuing to thank each and every soldier that I see in public. I have the privilege of working with soldiers, and knowing soldiers, and being close to soldiers. What you do for us is a great example of sacrifice and service. Our words of gratitude will never be enough.

Thank a Soldier -

Please check out these two videos. The first, from Applebee’s is very impressive. I encourage everyone to let a veteran or active duty member know about this deal. It’s the little things that go so far. I wish I could stand in front of our local restaurant and shake all the veteran’s hands. Maybe I’ll have to make a quick stop by there today. The second video is a compilation of some pictures of our awesome heroes. (Neither video are mine.)