Friday, March 28, 2025

Upcoming Schedule for TrueManhood Ministry

November 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Here’s some information on our upcoming schedule of events.  More events will be scheduled as they come up.  If you’re interested in booking Dave for your event, parish, school, retreat, conference or group, please email us at and someone on our staff will get back to you soon!

thecatholicsnextdooricon thumbNovember 18 – on Sirius Radio Channel 159 (XM 117) with “The Catholics Next Door“.  1120am EST (920am EST).  Topic TBD.

Montclair-State-University thumbNovember 20 – in New Jersey at Montclair State University’s Annual Catholic Thanksgiving Party.  Including Ramapo College.  Topic: “The Battles We Face as Young Adult Catholics in the Modern World”.
Catholic_Hack thumbDecember 17 – on with Joe McClane “The Catholic Hack“.

FNC10 thumb

December 31 – in Florida at the FOCUS National Conference 2010.  Speaking to the Men at the Men’s Impact Sessions.  Topic: “Fighting for Manliness” – For men who want to dive into the realities of the battle for men’s souls.  What is manliness, why is it being attacked and how do we fight to save it?

TKM thumbJanuary 8 – on with Mark Houck and Damian Wargo (The King’s Men) on Holy Spirit Catholic Radio in Philadelphia. Topic: Man stuff.

Confirmation Retreat - St Mary's Parish thumbFebruary 20 or 27 – @ St. Mary’s Catholic Parish in Littleton, CO.  Confirmation Retreat.

Sex is Sacred talk thumbMarch 7 – USAFA TEC Retreat – Topic: Discipleship “Imitate Me as I Imitate Christ”

CatholicTV thumb

March/April DATE TBD – on with CatholicTV.  More details coming on this.

A Great Success!

March 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

RMCMC PicThe Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference, held March 21, 2009 at Holy Apostles Catholic Church in Colorado Springs, CO was a great success!  Over 700 Catholic men joined together to be strengthened for Christ.  It’s an amazing event when men come together to learn, pray, sing and share in brotherhood for the glory of God.  The power that is contained in male leadership is incredible and I earnestly pray that this is the start of a revival in our diocese.  Where there are men of faith, there is success; successful families, successful churches, successful businesses.  Praise God.

For the men from the Conference who are here on the site for the first time, please take a chance to navigate through all of the pages at the top (or on the side) and please subscribe to the feed so you know automatically when updates are made.

Man up!