Tuesday, March 18, 2025

GE Knows What’s Really Going On

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

4D ultrasoundAlthough the technology of a 4-Dimensional Ultrasound isn’t brand new, it’s relatively cutting-edge.  I’ve seen a 4D ultrasound of my own children, it’s incredible.  You can see facial features and expressions, you can make out every movement  and can see the chest expanding as the lungs take in oxygen from the mother.  In the discussion of embryo, zygote, fetus, blob, tissue mass, etc. this technology should end the discussion as to what’s in a woman’s womb.  It’s a human being.

It’s plain to see that even a secular company like General Electric knows that a baby inside its mother’s womb is a living, breathing, moving, (did I mention living?) human being… and still, the laws in America allow for the murder of that child.  It’s ridiculous to think that we have technology like this (as if common sense wasn’t enough) but still allow someone the ‘choice’ to murder their own child.  Absolutely ridiculous.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

Men, sometimes abortion is portrayed as a woman’s-only issue.  Not true.  As always, we are called to provide and protect, which must start with the defense of the defenseless.  The unborn need men to step up and fight for their rights, their well-being and their life.  If you need ideas of how you can help, please email us directly at Info@TrueManhood.com.

TrueMan up!

The Fight – Clear and Present Danger

March 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

Christians Massacred in NigeriaI write about “The Fight” a good bit on this site.  I urge men everywhere to realize that we are in a battle for souls.  Most of the time, the battle is spiritual – fighting demons, spiritual unrest and concupiscence.  Sometimes, however, the battle is physical.  In this video, the persecution of Christians shows us that the battle is a clear and present danger.  The persecution of Christians in America is far from as brutal as these persecutions of Christians by Muslims in Nigeria, but still real.  In no way am I attempting to compare the two forms of persecution – clearly, the are different.  However, there’s nothing to say that they can’t become as real in America as they are in other parts of the world.

If you can’t view the video, click HERE for the link.

Men, we MUST first learn what it means to be a man, then jump into action!  We are called to action!  Without TrueMen who step up, lead and fight, mankind will continue to suffer.  We cannot sit around and wait for this sort of hatred to permeate our culture any more.  Step up and do something!  How, you ask?  How can I possibly help these poor, defenseless people in Africa?  Start at home, so that it doesn’t happen here.  I’ve been known to joke on occasion about a “Muslim Invasion”, that I want to be armed and ready to respond to this sort of thing.  It’s not funny any more.  How ready are you if this were to happy in the US?

A note about the traffic on my site: in February 2010, my site was visited by people living in 36 various foreign countries.  6 of those 36 countries were African countries.  This is more real for them than me.