Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lenten Devotion – A Prayerful Man

March 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Often times, society tells us that prayer is for women, young children and hermit-type religious folks.  Not true.  In order for all of us to know God, we must converse with Him.  It simply wouldn’t work to not speak to my wife for weeks-on-end and expect things to be okay between us.  The same goes for us and God.  We MUST stay in constant conversation with God.  It’s like any other relationship, it takes bothparties to be in relation with one another.  God has proved to remain faithful (He has made many covenants with us, His people), we are the ones that must change our behavior and devote time to Him in prayer.

Men, be careful to not fall into the modern idea that prayer/spirituality is a feminine characteristic.  Females have a beautiful spirituality, but that doesn’t usually work for us.  (There’s a reason why most of the Mystics of the Church are women.)  For me, my prayer life reflects my demeanor, my personality and my outlook; it’s rugged, straightforward and unwaveringly positive.  Most of my prayer reflects my need for Christ as a fallen, sinful man working at changing for the better.  It also reflects knowledge that our faith is the Truth and the fullness of it.  It’s important that your prayer life and spirituality reflect who you are, because like in any relationship, both parties need to honest, open and real.  It won’t work if you try to have someone else’s spirituality.  The great news here is that there’s at least one Saint who you can emulate, one Saint that was like you.  Find that Saint and follow them to Christ.

Man up!