Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Congratulations on Graduation Day, Thomas!

December 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Today is a monumental day in the life of The Avolio Family, and for the family’s friends.  Today, Wednesday, December 16, 2009,ThomasThomas Avolio is graduating from the United States Air Force Academy and will receive a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.  Although many young men and women graduate from the Air Force Academy each year, none come anywhere close to measuring up to Thomas’ life.

In 2006, Thomas was hiking a mountain directly behind the cadet area, called Eagle’s Peak.  To summit Eagle’s Peak, the hiker must exert a significant amount of energy, which all becomes well-worth it once atop this hallowed peak; the view is marvelous.  For Thomas, the last time he hiked the mountain would change his life forever.

Due to a loss of traction, Thomas took an incredibly vicious fall, falling 200 vertical feet.  His body was mangled, his limbs were broken.  Luckily, three young men were hiking below and rushed to his aid.  Thanks to their quick thinking and previous first aid training, they were able to stabilize Thomas and call for help.  Hours and hours went by as authorities attempted to save his life.  Flight for Life was called in and flew Thomas to a local hospital.  With the loss of blood, the trauma to his brain and the severity of his injuries, the doctors showed almost no signs of hope.  However, in an incredible miracle directly from God, Thomas managed to fight for his life.

I was present for a great deal of Thomas’ recovery.  I visited him in the hospital, spent countless hours praying and offering Mass for his recovery and spent many long days with his family at the hospital.  It appeared, early on, that Thomas would be devastated by the fall and that he would rely on machines, apparatus and other’s loving care to make it in life.  At this point, it was a real-life miracle that he was even alive.  All the odds were against him, but Thomas had a different plan.  From the first time that Thomas came to (out of his coma) and was able to coherently think and talk, he spoke of returning to the Academy one day and becoming an officer, as he had dreamed of in the past.  His determination was strong and fierce.

Although it took lots of time in rehab and time learning how to talk, walk and think, Thomas never said can’t.  He demonstrated an amazing attitude, something we can all learn from and strive to possess.  Today, Thomas is proving that hard work, determination and prayer can get us through anything.

Thomas is a TrueMan.  He is a man of deep faith.  He strives for holiness.  He works on living virtue.  He shares his life with those around him.  Thomas, keep up the great work, my friend.  You deserve many blessings.  Way to Man up!