Saturday, March 29, 2025

Keep Fighting

April 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

Men, Whether you’ve been on the battle field for a long time or have just begun the fight, I want to encourage you to continue to fight!Soldier The devil is strategic in how he attacks you and a period of freedom (any amount of time) can at times play games with a man’s mind, allowing him a sense of “I’m done with this” – that’s called complacency.  No matter how long you’ve experienced freedom (1 day or 10 years), you can never let your guard down.  The path to holiness is paved by discipline and you must remain disciplined in order to successfully achieve holiness.  Holiness, a complete imitation of Christ, in Heaven is our goal.  If you’re reading TrueManhood for the first time, then you may not know what I’m talking about.  Here at TrueManhood, we directly attack the evils of the culture, one of those being a most grave evil – pornography.

For men who are reading this for the first time (or for someone who knows a man who has an addiction to pornography but hasn’t yet sought help), please visit the links posted below to get started in battling your addiction.  If you’ve already seen all these resources, it may be time to read them again.  Take back your life and strive for TrueManhood – a life of virtue in Christ Jesus.

  • For “TrueManhood’s 5 Step Plan to Overcoming an Addiction to Pornography” Click HERE.
  • To read other articles about the fight against pornography, type in ‘PORN‘ or ‘PORNOGRAPHY‘ in the search box towards the upper right.
  • For Porn Addiction Resources, Click HERE.
  • For “TrueManhood’s Guide to Virtue” Click HERE.
  • To view videos of my talks against pornography addiction, Click HERE.
  • For free anti-porn software, click HERE.
  • If at anytime you need assistance with your battle, email me directly at

Freedom from Porn Addiction featured

TrueMan up!

That's What Makes You That Guy

October 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

this guySo I was watching a movie tonight and got a great quote from it.  The one character, a young, know-it-all punk-kid asked the older character, a long-time police officer, why he does it.  Why does he put his life on the line and why does he continue to get that crap kicked out of him for people he doesn’t know, nor like?  The older character simply said, “I’m doin’ it now because there’s no one else to do it.”  The young guy replied, “That’s what makes you that guy.”

He wasn’t speaking to him based on the typical “that guy” connotation… he was saying it in a positive way.  The young character was telling the older character that he was brave and heroic, and that he wished he was that way.

Do you live in a way that makes you that guy?  Are you brave and heroic?  Do you live your life in a way that encourages others to be brave and heroic?  Do you encourage others to live outside themselves, to push their limits, so that they become brave and heroic?

Man up!