Monday, March 10, 2025

Dependability & Follow Through

February 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Lately, I’ve had a few experiences that have been incredibly frustrating.  These experiences are based on how dependable other men have been and what sort of follow through these men have shown. 

The first experience happened yesterday.  I received an email from a young man who had committed to assisting me with a project.  His expertise is an area that I am not-at-all proficient in and I was looking forward to actually delegating these certain “expert” tasks on to someone else… especially someone who knew what they were doing.  Well, yesterday, 2 days before the project, this guy flaked.  He bailed.  He decided that something else was more important and he bailed.  Since he was referred to me, I didn’t know what sort of dependability he had, but obviously I know now.  He agreed (gave his word) that he’d be there and now, he’s not going to be.  Thanks a lot bro.

The second experience happened earlier this week.  It was a similar situation (someone flaked) and now I have to be resourceful to pick up the slack.  That’s okay, I always am.  This situation only became a problem because a young man decided to speak out of turn, promise a service that he couldn’t provide and then try to slyly back out.  Guess what?… I’m not buying his story.  Thanks a lot bro.

The problem here is that I SHOULD have been able to count on these two guys.  I SHOULD have been able to take their word and count on them following through.  I SHOULD have been able, once they gave me their word, to assume that their piece would be taken care of.  Instead, they split on me and now I am left picking up their slack.  This is one of the reasons why I’m always so reluctant to delegate my responsibilities onto other folks.  Character flaw of mine, I guess.  If you give your word, mean it and follow through.  A True Man gives his word and follows through.

Man up!