Wednesday, March 19, 2025

RMCMC 2010 – Get There!

March 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

March 10, 2010, Colorado Springs, CO –

logo final mens conference 11-11-09The Rocky Mountain Catholic Men’s Conference (RMCMC), taking place Saturday March 20, 2010 and hosted this year at the Pikes Peak Center in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the second year for the event.  Last year’s conference saw 750 men in attendance, with hopes for many more this year.  The lineup of speakers, including three bishops from Colorado, should do the trick in drawing a great crowd.  Speakers include Bishop Michael Sheridan (host bishop, Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO), Archbishop Charles Chaput (Archdiocese of Denver, CO) and Bishop Fernando Isern (Diocese of Pueblo, CO) as well as Steve Bollman, Bill and Billy Moyer, Dr. Tim Gray (President and my graduate studies professor at the Augustine Institute), Curtis Martin (President of FOCUS, and my former boss), Dennis Murphy and the renown bio-ethicist, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk.  The event will be emcee’d by Sean Dalton (a dear friend of mine) and music will be performed throughout the event by Shaun Garrison.

I highly encourage any men within driving distance (and those who can afford a plane ticket) to attend this event.  Cost of the conference is $45, including lunch.  Vendors (including myself for TrueManhood Men’s Ministry) will be present as well.  Get There!

For more info or to register, visit the conference website by clicking HERE.

Man up!