Wednesday, March 26, 2025

"It Never Hurt a Man to Try and Be a Better Man…"

February 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

… words from Jack Ingram’s latest song, “That’s a Man”. 


In the song, Jack sings about a young father working two jobs for his young family, just so they can get by and so he can give them a better life.  He sings about a Marine, struggling with the loss of his buddy, and about how hard he tried to save him.  He sings about a lot of things… what strikes me is that each of the stories has it’s fair share of heartache and difficulty, but in the end, a man does what he has to.  He works hard, has a deep resolve and protects those around him.  If it takes working 7 hot days a week, he does it.  If it means working long hours, he does it.  If it means blood, sweat and tears, he sheds them.  Do others say “that’s a man” about you?

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