Thursday, March 20, 2025

“How Many Performers Must Become Infected?”

August 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, pornography, Virtue

Porn HIV CaseThere are many things seriously wrong with this article (below) from the LA Times.  Not grammatical errors, or sentence structure problems – real problems, with the content and the attitude.  I am sickened by the lack of respect for human dignity that our society demonstrates over and over.  As if the other proven problems with the pornography industry aren’t enough (abuse, STDs, rape, domestic disputes, failed/troubled/destroyed marriages, damaged children, and so on) they are spreading killer diseases like HIV around.  Obviously, this is not the first case of a porn actor/actress with HIV.  How degrading to be “a generational partner.”

I have so many problems, I have to respond below in RED.  The article is in GRAY italics.

(LOS ANGELES TIMES) After an adult film performer (performer? – these are far from performances) tested HIV positive, production has ceased for the billion dollar porn industry (let’s be clear… it’s not the billion as in one billion, but as in 100+ billion dollars. No small potatoes) across Los Angeles until further testing can confirm the results, an industry trade group said.

“Until we know for sure, we’ve asked the industry to have a moratorium on production,” said Diane Duke, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, a Canoga Park-based porn industry trade group. (Free Speech – laughable!  Porn isn’t free speech, it’s addictive, harmful and detrimental to society.  It should not be protected under the 1st Amendment.  In fact, all production and distribution of hardcore pornography is ILLEGAL!  It’s just not regulated, nor is it prosecuted.)

Duke’s group became aware of the possible HIV case Saturday. Duke would not say how her group learned about the possible HIV case.

Adult film production companies across the San Fernando Valley were notified Monday morning that a performer had tested positive and they were urged to temporarily halt productions until further tests were completed.

Duke said company officials she spoke with agreed to the temporary shutdown.

The performer’s name, age or gender has not been released and further testing will likely be completed within a week.

Currently, performers who had sex with the potentially infected person are in the process of being notified. (Again, how degrading!  Pray for the men and women involved in this horrible industry.)

“Retesting and confirmation is underway as is the process of identifying and testing first- and second- generation partners,” Duke said, referring to those who had sex with the person who tested HIV positive or with one of that person’s sex partners. (This should be disturbing to everyone.  People should realize that sexual involvement, at any stage and in any fashion and with anyone, is serious and should be kept sacred.  It’s not about just one or two, but continues on with everyone else that those one or two are sexually involved with in the future.  When someone is bouncing around from bed to bed to bed, they are not only effecting that person, but everyone who comes after them and on down the line.  Marriages are being negatively affected because of this snowballing momentum.)

Adult film performers must be tested every 30 days and show proof of a clean test before they perform, according to voluntary industry standards. (I cynically doubt that the industry is regulating itself like this in all locations.  In fact, I am so cynical about any regulation within the industry that it’s an outrage that they even have “industry standards”. Sickening.)

Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said the latest possible HIV infection showed an “outrageous disregard for the health and safety of performers and the community at large” and demonstrates why testing is not an adequate substitute for condoms. He called on L.A. city officials to pull all adult film permits until condoms are mandated. (The only adequate substitute is CHASTITY!  Not condoms.  Living chastity is the one and only answer to our culture’s sex issues, which translate into many other areas and issues.  Chastity is the key.)

“How many performers must become infected with HIV and other serious STDs before the industry will clean up its act and government will do the right thing?” he said. (That’s right… when is the US GOVERNMENT going to do the right thing?!?!?  It’s already in our laws as ILLEGAL!  When is the US Attorney General (Eric Holder) going to do something about this industry that is negatively impacted our world?!)

TrueMan up!