Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Outstanding College Council Award – Council 8200

October 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, manliness, Military, Virtue

KofC 8200 Top Council

Pictured, L to R: DepGrdKnight Dan Jones, GrdKnight Julian Gluck, InsideGuard Sean Zoufaly and SuprGrdKnight Carl Anderson

Congrats to the Knights of Columbus, Council 8200 at the United States Air Force Academy for being named the 2009-2010 Outstanding College Council!  This council is near and dear to me, as it is and has been my council since 2004.  Congrats, men!  I am a lucky man to be a part of this great council and apart of so many of the lives of the Knights in 8200.  For any Catholic men who are reading who might not be a Knight, I highly encourage you to join.  If your council is inactive or “deadlocked”, as we sometimes refer to it, then take the bull by the horns and start something.  Resurrect the council and get others excited to be Knights.  Pope John Paul II once said, “All Catholic men should be Knights.”  Take his advice, and my push, and get involved today.

Knights of Columbus is a fraternal, service organization and has the tenets of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.  Here is an article about the award-winning council.

“To be named Outstanding College Council is an exceptional distinction; and it requires exemplary achievement across the spectrum of program categories. College councils know that their challenge is to foster a culture of life on their campus and to strive, through their actions, to build a civilization of love.

This year’s winner demonstrated a strong commitment to community service, social justice and spiritual formation. An outstanding college council not only knows and accepts these challenges, but faces this task with a sense of dedication and determination that elevates the entire Order and promotes a new evangelization.

Last year, Brother Knights at Our Lady of the Skies Council 8200 at the United States Air Force Academy offered service to Mary’s Choice, a home and helping hand Program for young women that provides them opportunity to reflect and learn in a loving, structured home for the duration of their pregnancies with ongoing support. By cutting ten cords of firewood, they saved the facility thousands of dollars on heating expenses. The council also collected winter clothing for families assisted by Mary’s Choice.

To offer spiritual formation for Catholic men, the council organized several annual retreats, as well as bimonthly dinners featuring guest speakers on Catholic manhood and vocational discernment. Exemplifying the chivalry that marks true Catholic gentlemen, the council also hosted a dinner to honor the women of their community.

To affirm the bonds of fraternity, this council organized a wide of variety of social activities, including mountaineering expeditions, and held outdoor activities and sporting events. The council also sponsored a “Man Talk” freshman recruitment event that drew in a large number of prospective members.

These men embody Father McGivney’s founding vision for the Knights of Columbus. When a student’s young brother died suddenly, these brother Knights intervened personally to raise funds to pay for the cost of her airfare home and to assist her family with funeral costs.

In recognition of their exemplary accomplishments and service, Our Lady of the Skies Council 8200 at the United States Air Force Academy was named Outstanding College Council for the 2009-2010 academic year.”

Abortion Funding Showdown

March 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

I recently received this letter from Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson.  Brother Anderson is the head of the Knights of Columbus based out of New Haven, CT.  We have a chance to do something, to stand up for a social (in)justice and to push the truth.  If this bill goes through, it will be the most devastating assault on pro-life since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Here is what Brother Anderson wrote last week:

Carl AndersonThe debate on health care legislation has now reached its final and most critical stage, with final votes expected in Congress within the next two weeks.  The legislation is being fast-tracked through Congress using a rare parliamentary maneuver known as “reconciliation.”  This procedure will push the bill through Congress over the objections of a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives that wants to remove abortion funding from the bill.

Very soon the House will be asked vote on a Senate bill containing provisions that would overturn the thirty-year federal policy against tax-dollar funding of abortion. If the Senate bill is approved by the House, it goes immediately to the President’s desk and will be enacted into law. A second “reconciliation” bill will then be voted on by both houses to make changes to the new law. These changes will not amend the abortion mandates enacted through the Senate bill.

The American Catholic bishops oppose the Senate bill, calling it “deficient” because it contains multiple pro-abortion provisions and federal subsidies for abortion. It allows for federal dollars to flow to abortion providers in community health centers; it allows for federal subsidies for overall health plans that cover abortion. Lastly, it provides no conscience protection for those who refuse to participate in abortion.  A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including brother Knight Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), is working to ensure that health care legislation contains language that would ban abortion funding. They need the support of brother Knights from across the United States.

I urge you to encourage every Knight in your state to contact their representatives in Congress. Ask them to go to the Knights of Columbus homepage at www.kofc.org for instructions on contacting Congress.  Your immediate action is critical. If the Senate bill becomes law, it will be the largest expansion of abortion in our country since Roe v. Wade.

Carl A. Anderson

Supreme Knight