Saturday, March 22, 2025

My Next 30 Years

June 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, Just For Laughs, manliness, Virtue

Exit 20 towards 30This weekend is the last weekend of my twenties.  I’m sort of indifferent about “getting older” – on the one hand realizing that all the aches and pains, the heartburn and the receding hairline are realities and on the other, being excited to move into another chapter with my wife and children and in my professional career.

When I look back at my twenties, so many things come to mind that were instrumental in my journey to get to where I am today.  I desire so strongly to be the man that God created me to be, a TrueMan.  I’m not there yet; I’ve got much more to work on.  Considering where I was and where I am now, I’m proud of my last 30 years and I’m ready for my next thirty years.

In my twenties… I left and returned to my faith and the One, True Church instituted by Jesus.  I have been blessed by God abundantly.  I was blessed to meet and marry my best friend – God has since blessed us with three incredible children. I graduated from undergrad and graduate schools.  I changed jobs many times  – I think I had about 15 different jobs in the last 10 years.  At one point, I had only $85 in my checking account and my stuff amounted to about $500.  I was laid off twice.  speed limit 30I moved eight times.  I bought or sold 6 different vehicles.  I learned a ton – mostly about myself and the things that I want to change and be better with.  It hasn’t been a super smooth ride.  There have been many bumps and bruises along the way, but I find myself coming out of my twenties a much better man then when I entered.

I realize, more and more each day, that I don’t know that I’ll live for another 30 years.  I might, I might not.  I might live for many more than that.  What I know is that I live life to the fullest and do my best to be a witness for Jesus everyday.  I hope that comes through clearly in my personal and spiritual life, in my family life, in my professional life, on TrueManhood and in every other setting.

TrueMan up!

*A little funny… I found the above exit sign and thought it was pretty ironic – at mile marker 20, on the exit, which is 20 MPH, towards 30 to the east.  Out of 20 towards 30.