Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The ‘Other’ Option

May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith

The video below is a parody done by some guys from an evangelical Protestant church.  It appears that I’m poking fun at them, but inmegachurch fact, they’re poking fun at themselves.  The video is really funny, especially to someone like myself who spent several years attending and ‘worshiping’ in this sort of setting.  For those who haven’t experienced a service like this, I recommend you stick to the Mass.

What’s the difference?  Can’t we all celebrate and worship the way we feel is best for us?  NO!!!  Christ instituted the Church and the rituals, celebrations and Sacraments the way He wanted them to be!  When we deviate from what Christ intended, we lose total focus and begin living relativistic Christianity.  Bad news.  Instead, stay true to what Christ instituted.  Want to know what He intended?  Read the Gospels!  But don’t just read the Gospels, because unless you speak/write/read Greek and have a 1st Century Hebrew worldview, you’re going to miss too much.  Get other resources (such as commentaries, for instance) that explain what’s happening in the Gospels.  If you have questions, please email us for help.  Info@TrueManhood.com

If you can’t view the video, click HERE.

TrueMan up!