Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Power to Positively Effect Change

October 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog, Sports, Virtue

think positiveI don’t typically follow mainstream media, news or happenings, and I definitely don’t follow the NBA, so this story was interesting to me when I heard about it.  Recently, in an interview with Maxim Magazine, LeBron James (Team Captain of the Cleveland Cavaliers) was quoted, when asked “If there was one guy on the planet you could dunk on, who would it be?”, as saying: “If it doesn’t have to be a basketball player, George W. Bush. I would dunk on his [ass], break the rim, and shatter the glass.”  (LeBron is a known-supporter of Barack Obama.)

The friend who told me about this LeBron story wrote this to me in our correspondence: “Boston just beat the Cavaliers with King James and Shaq. After LeBron’s majorly inappropriate comment about wanting to dunk and shatter the backboard over Pres. Bush (more than any other person), I have lost respect for LeBron. How about dunking over Osama Bin Laden? In LeBron’s role model position, you just don’t show that kind of disrespect for the President even if you don’t like him. Not to mention, his poor sportsmanship in losing the playoffs last year… he wouldn’t shake hands after the game. Your manly opinion on this?

In response, I wrote: “In my humble opinion, LeBron has no class, no leadership and an immaturity that rivals others.  He who, in his position, could effect MAJOR POSITIVE CHANGE on a global level. On a manliness scale, he’d rank very very low. No virtue = Not Manly.”

The reason I highlighted positive change (both in my response to my friend and in the title of this post) is because LeBron could bringlebron_james_witness about so much positive change in this world, simply because of his stature, his following and his presence in the media.  The trouble here, is that if you ask a fan of LeBron if he’s effecting positive change in the world, they’ll emphatically say “Yes!”  It’s a clouded judgment that some people can’t see past because he appears to be so influential and such a boost for the sport.  A TRUE boost to the sport would be challenging men to live virtuous, moral lives.

Just my $.02 today.

Man up!

Worshipping the ESPN God

October 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog, Sports

Baseball in the GrassHere is my latest article on  The title is “Worshipping the ESPN God”.

CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE, or start reading below…

“We are in the time of year when it is quite easy to become enamored by the lure of sports. The post-season is in full-swing in Major League Baseball, football season is flying at us from all sides (both the National Football League and College Football) and the National Hockey League recently kicked off their season. The National Basketball Association will be tipping off in a matter of weeks and NASCAR and the Professional Golf Association are both going strong. There is no other time on the calendar when all of these sports are played at one time. If you are a sports-junkie, you love this time of year. For many of us, sports have always been an important aspect of our lives.”

Continue reading HERE.

Man up!