Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Knights, No More

March 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog, manliness, Virtue

How often do you sit back and shake your head in disbelief?  For me, it seems to happen quite frequently.  It’s unfortunate, bewildering, and frustrating to see story after story where people cave to the culture, to the “tolerance” regime, to the mainstream, and to politics.  Why can’t we simply see truth and respond to it appropriately?!  I speak of the males that were formerly known as Knights of Columbus from Norfolk KofC Council #3548.  This likely doesn’t include every Brother Knight there, but for the sake of this argument, one is too many.  As I read the stories, the council is acting, and that includes every member of that council.  For any who did stand with Church teaching, it goes without saying, good job.


In Virginia, the Governor is pro-abortion, pro-same-sex marriage, and stands in conflict to most, if not all, Catholic teaching.  Council 3548 invited, and even after rebuke, are continuing to advocate for Gov. Terry McAuliffe to act as Grand Marshall in the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Parade (next week, Tuesday.)  The pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, where this Knights council is based, has repeatedly rebuked these former Knights.  I say “former”, because no Catholic man who calls himself “Knight” would allow this to happen, and I wouldn’t call them “Brother”.  If this were my council, heads would roll.  But it’s not my council, because we’re actually Catholic warriors!  We stand for truth, goodness, and beauty, and as defenders of Mother Church.  I’m not sure, but I would imagine that these behaviors and decisions may automatically excommunicate some.  I urge them to reconsider their decision of honoring a person who so vehemently opposes Catholic doctrine, especially on issues that are paramount to Catholicism.  Life and Marriage go hand-in-hand and must be upheld, especially by the “Strong Right Arm of the Church”.

Fr. Dan Beeman

Fr. Beeman, their pastor, has done what he can to teach his parishioners the proper approach to these issues.  He is quoted as saying, “It is the clear teaching of the Bishops of the United States in Catholics in Political Life that, ‘the Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles,’” he wrote in his letter. “‘They should not be given awards, honors, or platforms which would suggest support for their actions’.”

Fr. McGivney

So here’s the deal… in one way or another, we’re all faced with decisions of how we stand against evil.  How we react is important.  When faced with “going against the crowd” or “ruffling feathers”, are you courageous enough to do it?  Do you back down and shy away from confrontation?  Do you buy into the “church of nice” and “want people to like you”?  Men, there are times in life when we can step back and let things play out.  There are other times, especially when it comes to fundamental Church teachings, that we must fight.  This situation in Virginia is one of those times.  The TrueMan is wise enough to know the difference.  The vicious man would choose incorrectly.  I can promise you that Fr. Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, would have stood and fought.

TrueMan up!