Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Abortion – The Problem is Men

Did you know that we have a holocaust taking place in our country?  It’s happening in every state, and it is legal.  4,000 human lives are being destroyed each day, and the courts support this innocent slaughter of human life, and we’re supposed to go along with it.  Tax dollars, government subsidy, lobbyists, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare; they’re all wrapped up into it.  It’s called Abortion.

It is unfathomable that we allow abortion, especially knowing all we know about it.  There are countless facts, statistics, and logical arguments why abortion is murder, but I’m not going to get into any of those.  I’m going to concentrate on the real problem.  The problem with abortion is men.

Why?  Plain and simple.  85% of all abortions taking place in America are performed on single women.  That means that out of the 4,000 babies that were murdered today, 3,400 of those women who had an abortion were not married, and as many of you know, they feel they have no way out.  When single women are out sleeping around, who are they sleeping with?  Males.  Who gets them pregnant?  Males.  (Yes, God plays a huge part in the creation of that life, too.)  The facts continually lead back to the actions of the men.

If a woman is married, in a safe environment and protected, she isn’t likely to get an abortion.  Facts are facts.  These women feel led, protected and provided for, thus they welcome a new child.  Women who aren’t, don’t.  Men – when are we (as a gender) going to stop being selfish and self-serving and start protecting and cherishing women?  If you’re not married to her, you have no right to her – don’t touch!  She’s not there for your pleasure.  Serve her!  Take care of her!  Love her!!!

I heard a story today of a 20-year-old single woman who recently found out she was pregnant.  The sperm donor (best way to describe him… he isn’t married to her, isn’t her boyfriend, wasn’t even really her friend, just a “meaningless” hookup) told her “I’ll pay for everything.  I’ll even give you a ride and drop you off.  It’ll be fine.”  Class act, right?  Is the problem the baby?  CERTAINLY NOT!  Is the problem the young woman?  Not really, although she plays into the equation.  The problem is the man.  I hate referring to this sort of male as a man, because he most definitely is not living like one.

Men – abortion is only available because we allow it to be… because, in some totally screwed up way, we necessitate it by our actions.  Don’t be fooled, abortion is not about women’s health, women’s bodies, or women’s choice.  That’s a huge load of garbage.  And listen, I’m not saying that women don’t have anything to do with it, certainly they do, but the responsibility is on us.  Abortion will cease when men stop sleeping around, stay faithful and monogamous, and stop allowing the abuse, assault and murder of innocent babies.  The time is now, brothers.

TrueMan up!

iPod, iPad, iPhone (87G) and iGov’t

July 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, Just For Laughs

$14 trillion debtI haven’t made any comments about our government and the debt crisis yet because I believe there are plenty of people who know the right answer and none of them work or are associated with anything that happens in or around Washington.  The entire situation is beyond frustrating to the American people, especially to those of us who are hard-working, smart-spending, family-oriented, small-government-oriented, red-white-and-blue-proud, military-supporting, separation-of-church-and-state-doesn’t-mean-what-everyone-thinks-it-means, kinda people!!!

apple thumbBut get this… I check Facebook today and see lots of people posting about how Apple has more cash on hand than our government!  How crazy is this?!?!  I mean seriously!  These people sell gadgets… the government is supposed to be in charge of everything!  Gadgets versus government and gadgets is winning?!  I’m actually not as surprised as you might think.  And honestly, I think the whole thing is laughable.

I don’t own any Apple products.  I’m completely fine with that.  (Did you like my iPhone 87G joke in the title?)   The last time I used an Apple computer for any Obama blabbing on newslength of time was playing Oregon Trail on one when I was a kid in grade school.  I can’t stand them, mostly because I don’t know how to use them.  I’ve tinkered around with a few Apple products before, but I just don’t get the hype.   Apparently, I am the only one because they’ve got more money than the US government, which means that most of you reading this probably own all sorts of products from this booming company.  Mr. Obama… maybe you should step down and let Mr. Jobs do yours for you.

TrueMan up!

Unnerving Situations in D.C. and All Over

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog

white-houseI’m overwhelmed by what’s taking place in our country.  The decision by our nation to elect Barack Hussein Obama as president is proving disastrous.  What’s a TrueMan to do about all of the mess being made in Washington?  I’m at a loss.

Anti-American ObamaI would really appreciate your comments and questions on this post because I think that a healthy dialogue among men who see what’s happening (whether it be with the health(death)care bills, socialist ideals, deceitful politicians hiding behind the title “Catholic” or other) would be good.  It would help me, I know that for certain.  But what’s a TrueMan to do when he sees his government wielding unhealthy amounts of power and influence?  [It’s not new, but it’s worse than it’s ever been – my humble opinion.]  Do we grab our guns and start a revolt?  Do we stand by and watch socialist politicians ruin America?  Do we do something else? I don’t know that there’s any good answers right now.  Obviously, one thing we should be doing is praying for the conversion of Obama’s soul, as well as his elected officials, we should be praying for the end to abortion and we should be praying for a quick and just fix to government run healthcare.

Please comment.

Man up!

Man, This Woman Has Guts!

October 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Check this video out… this woman has guts!  To go onto a show like “The View” (all openly supportive of Obama and Abortion) and speak the truth.  Good for her.


Man up!

Well said, Fr Frank

April 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I like Fr Frank’s approach here.  He definitely Man’s up!


"A Worldview that Leaves Me Cold"

April 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

This tid-bit came across my inbox today.  I find it hilarious and frustrating at the same time.  The point of why I’m posting it on TrueManhood today is that I want to encourage us all to think for ourselves and not get caught up in socially-enabled “End Times Fear”.  God provides and is much bigger than global warming.  Take care of your portion of the planet and keep living.

Man up!

“The brutal winter of 2009 is finally coming to an end in the Great Plains. Or is it? Temperatures across North Dakota have been five to 10 degrees below normal all winter long. Massive snowfalls have blanketed the Peace Garden State for months. As now, North Dakota is enduring an end-of-March blizzard. The people of Fargo are paying the price. The ice-jammed Red River is cresting more than 40 feet over normal, flooding everything that isn’t protected by the heroic efforts of North Dakota citizens building up and maintaining the levies.  So, I ask you, what is the cause of all the cold, the snow, and the ice?  Global warming, of course!

According to Kate White, a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “climate change caused by global warming likely is changing ice conditions and adding to the unpredictability” of ice jams along the Red River, so she said. 

Let me see if I get this. A “near-record snowpack,” along with below-normal temperatures, have led to more ice, which is acting unpredictably because of global warming?  What am I not getting here? I’ll tell you what I am getting—more proof that apocalyptic visions of global warming are driven by a particular worldview. Forget the facts.  Even President Obama, at least to some degree, has bought into it. Here’s what he had to say: “I actually think the science around climate change is real. . . . If you look at the flooding that’s going on right now in North Dakota . . . that indicates the degree to which we have to take this seriously.”  Record snow is the result of global warming?  Folks, what we have to take seriously here is the fact that our worldview determines how we see the world and how we live in the world. And we’d better have it correct, which is why I spend so much time talking about this on this broadcast every day.

Despite the fact that the globe has been cooling since at least 2002,  or that near-record cold and snow have plagued much of North America all year long, all the proponents of global warming can see is—well, global warming.  This is why its adherents in Congress and in the White House want curbs on greenhouse gases, potentially ruinous cap-and-trade policies, and curbs on oil exploration (at a time when we need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil). And if in the near future you start paying upwards of $5 a pound for ground beef, thank those in Congress who want to tax cow flatulence as a way to combat global warming.  As the New York Times relates, renowned physicist Freeman Dyson has called “climate change an ‘obsession’—the primary article of faith for ‘a worldwide secular religion’ known as environmentalism.” Dyson accuses the adherents of this religion of “relying too heavily on computer-generated climate models that foresee . . . imminent world devastation as icecaps melt, oceans rise and storms and plagues sweep the earth.”  But the models aren’t holding true. Which is why the global warming scientists need to examine their worldview.  And then they need to step out of the computer lab and take a walk. But they’d better bundle up first.”