Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Air Force Officers

May 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I’d like to congratulate all of the young men that I know who were commissioned as Officers last night and who graduated today from the Air Force Academy.  Many of you have been incredibly inspirational in my life over the past four years.  I’ve learned many things from you… and for that I’m grateful.  Here are a couple of the reasons why I honor you, your service to our country and your manliness.

  1. You are men of faith.  Your faith is what governs your lives and it is the compass by which you make your decisions.  That is incredibly admirable and inspirational to many around you.  Keep it up.
  2. You are hard working.  A man is, by nature, a worker.  You have embraced the tasks in your lives and completed them with excitement, fervor and excellence.  Never lose your work ethic.
  3. You have ordered your lives towards service to God and Country.  You do the unthinkable, and give of yourselves (some of you will give the ultimate sacrifice of your lives) for others who you do not know, will never meet and who might hate you.  You are heroes to me.
  4. You have embraced God’s expectations of you to “shamar” your garden.  Unlike Adam, the first man, you have made the conscious decision to actively and aggressively protect and defend yourselves, your families & friends and the Church.  May God bless you for your humble service.

It’s easy to honor men who are deserving of honor.  I am proud to know you.  I am proud to call you my friends.  May God be with you on your newest chapter in life.

Man up!