Victims of Addiction
November 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Blog, Faith, pornography, Virtue
During the month of November, one of Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions is for victims of addiction, both those who are addicted, as well as those effected by the addiction of someone else. It’s important for us to pray for one another, whether we’ve had or have an addiction or not. For those who are addicted to pornography,
I want to say to you that there is hope. There is freedom outside of pornography abuse. There are ways to find help and resources out there for you. If you would like more info, or specific help, or possibly to be referred to a psychotherapist who specializes in pornography addiction, please email us at and we can get you in touch with the correct resource.
Take a few minutes to watch this video. Fr. Kubicki reflects on PBXVI’s prayer intention for November. Please watch it the whole way through, as there is helpful information about addictions towards the second half. All the best.
TrueMan up!