Saturday, February 22, 2025

New Bishop, Great Example

May 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Virtue

I just became aware of a new bishop for the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois.  His name is Bishop Thomas John Paprocki.  At the Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast last Friday, Bishop Paprocki addressed the crowd with the words found below.  I firmly believe that we need more bishops like Bishop Paprocki, who will stand for the truth and will, if needed, give his life for the faith.

Hyatt Regency Hotel – West Tower
151 East Wacker Drive
April 30, 2010
Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki
Bishop-designate of Springfield in Illinois
As you may know, Pope Benedict XVI has appointed me to serve as the
ninth Bishop of Springfield in Illinois. As the date of my Installation Mass, I have
chosen June 22nd, the Feast of the English martyrs, Saints Thomas More and John
Fisher. This day is appropriate because St. John Fisher was a Bishop, while St.
Thomas More is a special patron saint for me not only because I am named
Thomas and I served as Chancellor, as Thomas More did, but also because Thomas
More is the patron saint of lawyers and politicians. I think his intercession will be
vitally needed in my pastoral ministry as shepherd of our state capital.
My favorite movie of all time is “A Man For All Seasons,” about the life of
St. Thomas More. In the screenplay written by Robert Bolt, there is a very
poignant scene towards the end of the story of the trial of Thomas More, who was
charged for High Treason for his refusal to sign the Act of Supremacy, making
King Henry VIII the head of the Church of England. Sir Richard Rich has just
perjured himself on the witness stand by giving false testimony by which More
would surely be convicted. Before Sir Richard leaves the witness stand, More says,
“I have one question to ask the witness. That’s a chain of office you are wearing.
May I see it?” Rich allows More to examine the medallion, whereupon More says,
“The red dragon.” More then asks Cromwell, who is conducting the interrogation,
“What’s this?”
Cromwell answers, “Sir Richard is appointed Attorney-General of Wales.”
More we are told, looks into Rich’s face with pain and amusement and asks,
“For Wales? Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole
world . . . But, for Wales!”
Unfortunately we live in a time when many other politicians are quite
willing to give their souls for even less than Wales! As we gather for this Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass preceding the Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast, we pray for
the intercession of Saints Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher, that politicians
and all government officials may follow their courageous example of faithful
adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Today’s Mass is celebrated as a Memorial of Pope St. Pius V, who lived
during the time of Saints Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher. The pontificate of
Pope Pius V was one of the most glorious of the 16th century. He enforced the
decrees of the Council of Trent, published the Roman Catechism and revised the
Missal and Breviary. We pray for his intercession as well.
Our liturgy today also continues the celebration of the Easter season. Our
first reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us of the life of the early Christian
community. Then, as now, courtroom trials depended on the testimony of
courtroom witnesses. Conviction or acquittal can depend on what a person has
experienced and how credibly the person expresses that experience to a judge or
jury. If we expect people to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, there have to be
credible witnesses. St. Paul cites the companions of Jesus as witnesses to the
resurrection. He passes on their testimony as well as their own.
We are called to bear witness to Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Jesus
shows us how to live by His example of selfless sacrifice. He teaches us the truth
about God, about ourselves, and about the world. He gives us eternal life through
faith and the living of our sacramental life. Everything we say and do should
convince people of the Gospel message. The Eucharist we are about to receive fills
us with the presence of Christ so that we may be credible witnesses to the good
news of eternal life with our Risen Lord.
May God give us this grace.

As you may know, Pope Benedict XVI has appointed me to serve as the ninth Bishop of Springfield in Illinois. As the date of my Installation Mass, I have chosen June 22nd, the Feast of the English martyrs, Saints Thomas More and John Fisher. This day is appropriate because St. John Fisher was a Bishop, while St. Thomas More is a special patron saint for me not only because I am named Thomas and I served as Chancellor, as Thomas More did, but also because Thomas More is the patron saint of lawyers and politicians. I think his intercession will be vitally needed in my pastoral ministry as shepherd of our state capital.

Bishop PaprockiMy favorite movie of all time is “A Man For All Seasons,” about the life of St. Thomas More. In the screenplay written by Robert Bolt, there is a very poignant scene towards the end of the story of the trial of Thomas More, who was charged for High Treason for his refusal to sign the Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII the head of the Church of England. Sir Richard Rich has just perjured himself on the witness stand by giving false testimony by which More would surely be convicted. Before Sir Richard leaves the witness stand, More says, “I have one question to ask the witness. That’s a chain of office you are wearing. May I see it?” Rich allows More to examine the medallion, whereupon More says, “The red dragon.” More then asks Cromwell, who is conducting the interrogation, “What’s this?” Cromwell answers, “Sir Richard is appointed Attorney-General of Wales.”  More we are told, looks into Rich’s face with pain and amusement and asks, “For Wales? Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world . . . But, for Wales!” 

Unfortunately we live in a time when many other politicians are quite willing to give their souls for even less than Wales! As we gather for this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass preceding the Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast, we pray for the intercession of Saints Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher, that politicians and all government officials may follow their courageous example of faithful adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Today’s Mass is celebrated as a Memorial of Pope St. Pius V, who lived during the time of Saints Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher. The pontificate of Pope Pius V was one of the most glorious of the 16th century. He enforced the decrees of the Council of Trent, published the Roman Catechism and revised the Missal and Breviary. We pray for his intercession as well. Our liturgy today also continues the celebration of the Easter season. Our first reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us of the life of the early Christian community. Then, as now, courtroom trials depended on the testimony of courtroom witnesses. Conviction or acquittal can depend on what a person has experienced and how credibly the person expresses that experience to a judge or jury. If we expect people to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, there have to be credible witnesses. St. Paul cites the companions of Jesus as witnesses to the resurrection. He passes on their testimony as well as their own. We are called to bear witness to Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Jesus shows us how to live by His example of selfless sacrifice. He teaches us the truth

about God, about ourselves, and about the world. He gives us eternal life through faith and the living of our sacramental life. Everything we say and do should convince people of the Gospel message. The Eucharist we are about to receive fills us with the presence of Christ so that we may be credible witnesses to the good news of eternal life with our Risen Lord.

May God give us this grace.

How Men Were Created To Pray

October 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

man-prayingIn response to a comment, stemming from a recent post: The question was asked, “How were men created to pray?”  Please note, this post, as with all my posts, comes from my experiences and may or may not take into account every aspect of the topic.  If you have additional thoughts, questions, doubts or replies, please write them in a comment below.

I believe that men were created to pray in a manner that is wild, unrelenting and strong.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that a man has to pray in the same way that he was created.  It doesn’t make sense to do it any other way.  We were created, as evidenced in the creation story in The Book of Genesis, to protect, defend and guide.  (See Genesis chapter 2, specifically verse 15).  Adam was instructed by God to do all these things as the man, the one who has dominion over the earth and the creatures of the land, air and sea.  This was no small task.  Adam was given a great amount of responsibility.  Until the fall, Adam relied totally on God to direct and guide him.  We should take this as a guide – that in all things, we should ask God to direct and guide us.  After the fall, Adam was distanced from God and he toiled in the fields.  This is where we find ourselves today.  We toil, in whatever profession we have, and specifically, we toil in a real way when it comes to our conversations with God.  Why is this?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph 397, explains this clearly.  It says, “Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God’s command.”  We do this daily!  No wonder it’s so hard to pray!

If we know that we must trust God and that we must have reckless abandonment to God’s commands, then it will help us to pray.  If we know that we were created to protect, defend and guide others, it will help us to pray.  Now, some practicals:

  • Find what works for you.  We’re all different and there are many different ways to pray.  Whatever your preference, do it often!
  • Remember that prayer is a relationship with God.  It takes two; God always does His part.  Are you doing yours?
  • Make your life a prayer.  Every chance you get, talk/listen to God.  (Guess what, you’ve got lots of chances to do this during your day!)
  • A Man was created with a wildness within his heart – live wildly for God.  Your prayer can be wild, rugged and intense.
  • Do it often.  Did I mention this already?
  • Prayer is NOT an emotional thing; emotions may come about during/after prayer, but prayer itself is not emotional.  Our prayer is based on our faith – if our faith is founded on the Truth, then it is stable and unchanging and our prayer must follow that model.  If our faith isn’t founded on the Truth, then our faith (belief in God and His dominion over us) can change as quickly as the wind.
  • Use helpful “tricks” to guide your prayer.  One easy one is ACTS – Adoration Contrition Thanksgiving Supplication.  Adoration is praising God, adoring Him, fervent worship of Him and His glory.  Contrition is asking for forgiveness for our sins; NOT in place of Confession!  Thanksgiving is thanking God for the blessings in our lives.  Supplication is asking God for the things that we need in life.

I suggest that you read up on men of the Bible, as well as Catholic saints, to get more ideas on how men pray.  Find one of these men that you share similarities with and try to emulate him and his style of prayer.  These men came before us and succeeded (and sometimes failed) in order to pave the way for us.

Man up!