Saturday, March 22, 2025

Following an Example

February 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

I have a person in my life that exemplifies something that I strive for.  This person, by their actions, calls me to something better than what I produce, in a way that isn’t judgmental, harsh or overtly obvious.  This person simply acts in a way that entices me to perform in a better way.  This person is my wife, Catherine.  What she does is she lives a life that is selfless and always life-giving.  When it comes to the kids, the house, work or family time, she always puts the needs of the rest of us first.  And she does it in the smallest things.  For instance, when she shops for groceries, she always buys what I like over what she likes.  When we’re going out as a family, she always gets the girls ready, their bag ready, their toys ready… on and on.  DiNuzzos - Ouray, CO











There’s an important lesson here –> Men can, and should, learn from women.  Women typically show us a different perspective, a different point of view, a different emotion, a different thought process and usually a different plan.  Notice that I said different… not better, not worse, simply different.  This different perspective can (like in the situation above) guide us towards stronger manliness, if we choose to respond.  Choosing to respond to a higher calling, to be a better man, is a major piece in achieving True Manhood.  Many men think that manliness comes from the denial of the female perspective, however, I know differently.  If I held that position, I would be the opposite of my wife… I would be forever selfish and consumed with my own desires.  Thanks for setting such a great example Babe.

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