Monday, February 03, 2025

Stop Saying “Boys will be Boys”

June 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Fatherhood

teenage boysI’m flabbergasted that the following stories (links provided below) are happening, but then I remind myself that parents just haven’t been parenting.  The only way this sort of stuff goes on is when – 1.) Kids are poorly formed.  2.) Kids are unsupervised. (This includes their unsupervised cell phones, emails, facebooks and all other forms of technology.)  3.) The poorly formed kids influence the other kids.  4.) Older siblings influence younger.  5.) No one pays attention to what’s happening in the ‘personal’ lives of kids.

Here’s the article from NY Times writer Maureen Dowd… CLICK HERE.

Here’s a Catholic follow up to it from US… CLICK HERE.

Come on parents, get involved in your kid’s lives.  Spend some time with them.  Know what they are doing.  Get excited about what your kid is excited about (as long as it’s positive!).  Invest in them and this sort of crap will stop.  To the men… if you’re a father, or hope to be one day, you MUST take an active role in your children’s lives.  If you don’t know what that means, but want to work on it, then email us at  Do it today.

TrueMan up!