Various Kinds of Dads
June 14, 2014 by admin
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, manliness, Scriptural Examples, Virtue
I was just washing the dishes (yes, I do dishes) and was thinking about my parenting style, what kind of Dad I am, and it brought to mind a bunch of different kinds of fathering-traits.
Some thoughts on the kinds of dads that I’ve either exemplified, or other kinds of dads I’ve come across.
- SPORTS-CRAZY DAD – The dad that just can’t be easy going at the games, and when
games aren’t going on, they’re living vicariously through their kid as if it was the pros. - The “I DON’T KNOW HOW TO TALK TO MY KIDS SO I DON’T TALK TO THEM AT ALL DAD” – Dads who are either not educated enough on various topics, or who lack communication skills, or who just won’t take the time to learn about their kids so they fail to talk to them at all, about anything.
- The “I DON’T UNDERSTAND GIRL-STUFF SO MY DAUGHTERS AND I ARE COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED DAD” – Similar to the above, but specific to daughters and “female issues” – of all kinds. And there’s lots.
- SCREAMER-DAD – Everything gets this dad going, in a bad direction, and he just screams about it. Less than effective, if you ask me. Think: “Don’t make me stop this vehicle!” or “Do it, or else.”
- INTIMIDATION-DAD (“IntimiDad”) – IntimiDad uses his size, stature, and position
of authority to try to force his children to do things. I typically see this with toddlers. It doesn’t work. Again, think: “Do it, or else.”
- OVER-COMMITTED DAD (works too much or is involved in too much) – I’ve written many times before about what kids really want and need from us. They want us, our time, and that’s how they see and experience our love. “Kids spell love T-I-M-E.
- TEACHER-DAD – This dad is patient and discusses various things with his children so that they learn from him. Even when he doesn’t think his kids are listening, he teaches, simply to plant a seed and begin the discussion. I think I’m this kind of dad most of the time.
- SWEET-DAD – This dad is emotionally sensitive, and takes the opportunity, especially with his daughters, to be sweet.
This isn’t overly sentimental, this is the right amount of sentimentality because let’s face it, sometimes our kids just need it. Our daughters need sensitivity, and at the right time in the right amount, so do our sons.
- GIFT-GIVING DAD – Don’t buy your kids love, ok sir? Don’t make it “okay” that you’re not in their lives simply because you buy them stuff. Now, if your gifts are thoughtful, and you bought it for them because you know them and know they’d really like the thing, and really appreciate it, and that they’ll know you know them, then good on ya.
- APATHETIC-DAD – I see this all too often, unfortunately. This attitude can extend directly to the children because he just doesn’t care about them (either because he’s too ego-centric, self-centered, or just that insensitive) or because he’s flat out lazy. “Mom’s got it.” “Mom’ll talk to ‘em.” “Honey, you’ve got this one, right?” Stop it.
- PROUD-OF-MY-KID-NO-MATTER-WHAT-DAD – Thank you for not putting up pretentious walls, facades, or displays surrounding your kid. They’re your kid and you love them and are proud of them no matter what their accomplishments, likeability, or style.
I’m certain that I could write and write and write on this topic. There are so many kinds of fathers out there, and so many traits (good and bad) that could be discussed. Many of them we have discussed in the past and will continue to discuss in the future.
Remember an important concept to TrueManhood… our children learn what is right and wrong by watching us. If we want our boys to grow into TrueManhood, and our daughters to meet and marry a TrueMan, then we must show them what that is. “Jesus answered and said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, a son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees his father doing; for what he does, his son will do also. For the Father loves his Son and shows him everything that he himself does, and he will show him greater works than these, so that you may be amazed.” John 5:19-20. A major component here is how we treat our wife. Being a great-TrueMan-dad, means being a great husband first.
Thanks to my dad, Tony, for being an absolutely awesome dad! I have many fond memories of my childhood, and am so blessed to have him help me to raise my kids now, but there’s a concept that I always return to when I think about my relationship with my dad, and it’s this: he always SHOWED me how to be a man. He lived it. He didn’t have to say a lot, he lived it. I saw, first and foremost, that he loved/s my mother. That is who he is, as a man; he’s a husband, and all else stems from that.
TrueMan up!