Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesdays with Daddy – Father’s Edition

April 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, Tuesdays with Daddy, Virtue

Dad and son in the airTo all the men who are fathers… today’s “Tuesdays with Daddy” is for you.  Unfortunately, my opportunity to be home with my girls on Tuesdays will be coming to an end in about a month.  I thought it would be a good idea to put forth a challenge to all the dads out there, to keep you thinking, to keep you purposeful in your parenting.  Read over these questions and be honest with yourself about the answers.  If something’s not up to par, make a change today.  I believe that we are all on a journey towards being the best father that we can be.  The journey requires us to always be moving forward, always toward being better.

  • Do you tell your children, not just everyday, but every chance you have, that you love them?
  • Do your actions match up with your words?
  • Do you love your wife?
  • Does your love (action!) match up with your “I love yous”?
  • Do your children see you loving your wife?
  • Do your children have a healthy and realistic understanding of love, or is it what they see on television, in movies and online?
  • Do you prioritize your life well?  Or do you give one (or more) part more attention and neglect the other things you ought to be doing?
  • Are you addicted to anything?  Porn?  Alcohol?  ESPN?  Work? etc.
  • Are you working to overcome your addiction?  (Ask me if you need resources… Dave@TrueManhood.com)
  • Do you strive to grow in virtue?
  • Are you faithful to a daily prayer life?  To a Sacramental life?
  • Do your children know that you pray?
  • Do you pray with your children everyday?
  • Are you actively involved in the spiritual formation of your children daily?
  • Do you pass on responsibilities and place them on your wife and/or childcare provider?
  • Do you rejoice in your children?
  • What else do you need to work on?

Man up!

“Our lives change when our habits change.”  – Matthew Kelly