Saturday, February 22, 2025

“The Day You Give Birth Is the Day Your…”

January 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, Faith, Fatherhood, For Women, Virtue

“The day you give birth is the day your opinion should matter!” screamed a young female passerby. Really? Is that all this is to you, a bunch of opinions? Really?

CS PPThis was just one of the many negative comments we received yesterday while praying outside of the Planned Parenthood murder mill here in Colorado Springs. I was out with my buddy Joe, a pro-life giant – faithful to prayer and protest outside of Planned Parenthood EVERY Friday afternoon. On the outside, Joe is mild-mannered, calm and prayerful. Inside, I sense that he’s a raging bull! The fury that rages inside him, because of the injustices against the thousands of innocent unborn babies that are brutally murdered every day in the US (nearly 4,000 babies per day!), is tempered by the Holy Spirit and guided thereby to do much good in our world. He, as we all should be, is a man of action. He puts his ‘money where his mouth is’ and is out there praying every Friday for the end to abortion.

One lady driving by stopped and yelled out her window, “Wait until it’s your wife who is raped!  I’m calling the cops on you guys!”  Another female driver stopped in the middle of the intersection to deliberately give us the finger, the ‘ol Jersey salute.  She stared me down like I was the bad guy, because I was there, on my knees, meditating on the Crucifixion of our Lord and praying for babies.  Absolutely ridiculous.

prolife2Listen, if you’re not Pro-Life, you’re Pro-Death.  There’s no other distinction.  Life or Death.  You’ve never heard anybody say “It’s a life or death, or choice, situation.”  Right?  It’s way more than a choice.  Abortion is murder.  And, what’s more, THIS IS NOT SIMPLY A WOMAN’S ISSUE!  Men, this is one of those things that we MUST step up and defend.  We must protect our women and children.  We must stand up for the common good.  We must lead in this fight.  We must stand in opposition to faulty and immoral laws.  We must stand up against evil.  We must stand against our post-abortive culture.  We must stand up and say enough is enough.

On Monday of this past week, I took my family to the Rocky Mountain March for Life.  It took place on Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.  There was a pastor from Oakland, CA there to speak to the crowd.  (I apologize for not remembering his name.)  He was a black pastor, and spoke heavily about the effects of abortion on the black women (and men, and families, and businesses, and culture and so on) in his “neighborhood”.  One thing he said, that has really troubled me the last many days, is that the vast majority of people sitting in the pews on Sunday in black churches across the country are “post-abortive”.  This means that they have been effected, either directly or indirectly, by abortion.  Meaning as well, that they may be traumatized (although usually in silence) by the negative effects of abortion.  His whole point was that it is incredibly difficult to reach out to this portion of the population, because so many people don’t want to be told that what they’ve done has been wrong, or that they’re wrong in their thinking.  So many people want to keep the status quo, instead of pushing the envelope and challenging what is wrong so that what is right can be brought out and experienced by the masses.

There’s a lot more I could write about this today, but will keep it for additional posts in the future.  For now, please join the pro-life movement in praying for the unborn and for the end to abortion.

TrueMan up!


3 Responses to ““The Day You Give Birth Is the Day Your…””
  1. Jim says:

    I have had similar experiences during 40 Days for Life and other events where we pray in front of the most active murder site in our state. The “rape” argument is ridiculous. 1% of aborted children are the product of rape or incest. That’s still 37 or so a day, but 93% are for “social reasons” – somebody doesn’t want that kid. For the mathematically inclined, the other 6% are from health risks to either mother or child – another popular argument for killing kids.

  2. Meghann says:

    I’d like to add to Jim’s comment, in that a vast majority of that 6% of babies aborted for “medical reasons” can ALMOST ALWAYS be carried to viability (typically 24 weeks gestation) before the condition in question becomes dire. My mother learned this in a “refresher course” for her nursing certification in high-risk labor and delivery.

    Rape/incest babies and babies whose existence puts a mother’s health in danger are still babies. I don’t know of a single couple aching to adopt that wouldn’t give anything to have one of those babies in their arms, and the sacrifice of the mother’s body would never, NEVER be lost on them.

    People scream all kinds of hideous things when they support something that is, in its entirety, truly hideous. It only means that they have been, in some form or another, touched by your presence. Keep it up, Dave.

  3. Joseph Hourigan says:

    Dave…great stuff! Thanks for coming out to the sidewalk and keeping watch, standing up for the TRUTH, praying for an end to the grisly slaughtering of the innocents. God was there with us, and heard our prayers, for where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in this fight. I am hearing about more and more people coming to the sidewalks to pray with a sincere heart. Fr. Bill recently mentioned how the Catholic Churchs mascot is the Lamb, and that we have to be like Jesus the Lamb. It is easy to get defensive, when people utter profanity, but if we are persecuted for righteousness sake, it’s even more beautiful to just pray for those people, and the conversion of their hearts, rather that engage in heated conversation.
    The more people that love Our Lord, and love life are willing to go out to the sidewalk and stand up and pray, and the more we pray to Be Not Afraid, to simply ask people to go out on a regular basis, to give dignity to the babies whose short lives are being ended unjustly, the faster profound change will come. We have to overwhelm them with love and prayers.
    Peace of Christ to you all! Keep asking yourself and others ‘what have you done for the least among us’?