Sunday, March 30, 2025

The Power of One

October 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, cultural manliness, Faith, manliness, Military, pornography, Virtue

power-of-one-logoThe following story, written by a website writer, is very disturbing and I hesitate to include it on my website simply because I do not know enough about the topic to speak to it specifically.  What I will write about is the power of one man.  As you will read in the linked articles below, Alfred Kinsey had incredible power and influence.  His power and influence continue to this day and have [negatively] shaped the culture and specifically, the view of sex, sexuality and morality.

I write to share this thought… you, as one man, have an incredible opportunity to influence!  Your scope of influence may be one other person, or it may be the entire society!  If Kinsey, just one man, could influence an entire society, for over sixty years, just imagine what you might be able to do.  But, you can’t do it sitting at your computer alone – you must get to work!  Do something!  If you don’t know what that is, figure something out and get started!

So, here is the crazy-gross article about Kinsey and his “scientific” experiments, which were basically just AlfredKinseylegal-pedophilia… CLICK HERE.

And then, CLICK HERE for another article about Kinsey.  This article happens to include some information from the Air Force Academy from the 90’s, but that has nothing specific to do with this post – even considering my past involvement there.

kinsey corruptionI hope to do some more research and find out more about Kinsey and his “findings”, as well as report back more details about how screwed up he was.  If you want to do some research your self, check out a book by Susan Brinkmann called “The Kinsey Corruption: An Expose on the Most Influential ‘Scientist’ of Our Time.”

TrueMan up!


One Response to “The Power of One”
  1. Lurker says:

    One of Kinsey’s biggest sources during his research was a man who claimed to have abused more than 100 children, much of his info coming from those abuses.