Tuesdays with Daddy – A Kid Pouts, but a Man Shouldn’t

March 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Blog, Fatherhood, Tuesdays with Daddy, Virtue

pouty little girlThis morning, my oldest daughter woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  From her nap this afternoon, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, again.  Nothing was right for her all day.  She didn’t want to play when playtime was suggested.  She didn’t want to eat, when meals were prepared.  She didn’t want to clean up, she didn’t want to nap, she didn’t want to play, she didn’t want to pray.  Then, to top it all off, a huge snow storm hit our region and is potentially preventing us from getting to the airport and flying to visit family – she was not happy about these details.  She reacts and her reaction is to pout, throw a tantrum and fuss.  A man shouldn’t react that way.

As a grown up (or as a “growing” up), we must realize that our reactions to tough situations should be even keeled.  More properly put, our reactions should be “ordered”.  I recently watched a program on prison inmates.  The inmates seemed pretty calm and easy to get along with while on camera, but unruly, defiant and violent when someone made them mad.  They looked like a little kid who wasn’t getting their way, and anyone in their way paid the price.  A TrueMan reacts differently.

When I was younger, my reactions to tough situations were pitiful.  As I’ve grown older with age, and as I’ve come out the other side of a really bad rage problem, it has become very clear to me that men of virtue, ie: TrueMen, don’t allow their emotions to determine how they act.  TrueMen act out of truth… with responsible reactions.  It’s a good thing to work on.

Man up!


One Response to “Tuesdays with Daddy – A Kid Pouts, but a Man Shouldn’t”
  1. Amy says:

    Just stumbled upon your blog…and I love it. I love what you are standing up for & your approach! You aren’t afraid to be a strong Catholic man, father, husband and you are setting an example for others to follow-I pray that more will be lead to your site and will hear in their hearts the truths you have explained!!